I can't wait to get mine!
I picked mine up from the PO today, and when I got home and opened it, an involuntary "Wow. Oh wow!" escaped my lips.
It is really, really good.
The only issue I have with it is that the gun/s are a little gimmicky and the sunglasses stalks don't seem to go all the way up to the hilt, leaving the glasses a little off his nose.
The guns, I appreciate what Blitzway tried to do with them, and they're a great little piece of engineering, but probably will end up being quite fragile.
But the sculpt is amazing, the tailoring is superb. Really, can't aim criticism towards this at all. Absolute home run.
Edit: Yeah, been playing with this, futzing it a fair bit over the last few hours. Could
NOT be any happier with this piece. Absolutely fantastic.