Have we started complaining about the size of the proton packs yet? It looks too accurate to me.
I agree. Hot toys isnt even consistent. Deadpool comes to mind as he's taller than a number of their other figures. Despite that you can't even tell unless side by side. So put the busters on a different shelf and get over it. lol
Blitzway Ghostbusters review in under 8 minutes - ready, set, GO!
Now that's the way to do a review. 8 mins. Boom.
In the review it states that the clasp/buckle for waist belts is a bit fragile. One of the first things I plan on doing is unclasping them to rearrange placement of items on the belt because there's a lot of inaccuracies with the placement of the items on them. Would this be ok to do, or is it recommended they be just left as are?