Well here's my attempt to lighten up the skin tone on Venkman. I didn't do a full repaint or anything, just added a few extra thin washes of paint. And then I reddened his nose, cheeks and ears and gave him some 5-oclock shadow. I did end up repainting the eyes though, since I wanted to try giving him a hint of an expression with that bored/exasperated look he often had in the movie. I also darkened the hair and made the eyebrows a little thicker.
And since my figure had a little issue with a
broken arm, I had to put him on a COO body I had lying around. I think I was able to make it work ok (and the body does at least give him a longer looking neck), but given the slightly larger scale of these figures I think it probably needs the wider shoulders and buffer body that BW used.
And he's not really that shiny; I just had the light on him a little too close.
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