Yeah, me too (by about a half hour
) But until and unless I see a deal like that pop up again, I'm going for this guy.
I got the bar scene Durden, and opened him up last night. Very nice figure overall, but the photos here are not deceptive. He is way too tanned, and the paintwork is a bit sloppier than it could have been. Like one of the lesser Hot Toys efforts. Maybe on par with SSC's Ash to be honest. But the clothing is very nice, and all the accessories are great. The wrist peg that was assembled onto the figure snapped when I tried to wiggle the hand out. And you can't get the jacket off without taking off the hand first, without risking damage to the jacket using a blow dryer. For the next attempt, I just pulled the hand straight back and that worked OK, but I'm not planning to do much more hand switches.
Good figure, worth the $175 I paid, but nothing that is blowing me away. Borderline Hot Toys level work. I will be satisfied if the Ghostbusters are at this level of quality.
Holy cow, I never though it was possible. Like, it never occurred to me. Nevertheless, I will leave said method it as a last resort.Why don't you simply cut that ugly neck off with an exacto knife and use a Tyler body. Pretty sure this will look best. Cutting the neck off is really no big deal. I've done it several times. Take your time and you will be happy with the result.![]()