Super Freak
Also, can people stop comparing this to the Craftone offering?!
Those are terrible and are no where near the quality of Blitzway.
Those are terrible and are no where near the quality of Blitzway.
Bottom line for me after seeing these photos- It's a good figure. Nothing like the protos. Paint apps make or break a figure. The protos showed a near lifelike so real it's scary figure that was well worth the 250$ asking price. The final product however is threezero quality at best and as such should be priced accordingly (150$ max). Maybe I'll get this figure if someone gets me an eBay gift card for Christmas idk
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Hope I get one of those ones! Looks great in the video. Loving the attention to detail on the injury on the side of the face.
Coat doesn't look like genuine Rat to me. Pass.
Also, random shout out to cmiller99 for the awesome avatar picture. *thumbs up*
The proto looked so wrinkly. The more i see it the happier i am. Would you rather buy a ht doc brown? Now thats a bad sculpt!
This is one devisive release- some say great- some big drop in quality- bet in hand will be nice but guess many had SKY HIGH expectations from the proto pics. Maybe that is the main problems as with anything you have too much expectations for....
I'm getting it still and hope Ghostbusters improves on the paint detailing
Expectations were a big problem. They were far too high, unrealistically so. The prototype was never going to be that good in production but we led ourselves to believe that due to the figures they showed at SDCC supposedly being production samples - whether they actually were or not, I dunno.
These figures look much better now in these recent, much better pics taken by Spangles. But there still seems to be things to be dissatisfied with, mainly the red jacket version's eyes and hair paintwork.
Who said there would be more batches?
Expectations were a big problem. They were far too high, unrealistically so. The prototype was never going to be that good in production but we led ourselves to believe that due to the figures they showed at SDCC supposedly being production samples - whether they actually were or not, I dunno.
These figures look much better now in these recent, much better pics taken by Spangles. But there still seems to be things to be dissatisfied with, mainly the red jacket version's eyes and hair paintwork.
1. Spangles pics look a little to blown out...(sorry dude) Those studio lights are too harsh. Try moving them back and a lower F-stop. There are zero shadows in those pics....and thats just unatural. Now , I am a fully ******* critc......nice pics, just harsh harsh lighting.
No worries. I know they're not the best photos. I took them quickly to get some up. As for moving the light back, I actually cannot do that. I don't have the room. Also, I'm not a dude.
Also, I'm not the most experienced photographer.
I think you did a great job on the pics! Now I can see them and realize they are pretty good figures actually