Super Freak
OSB stocked is ready to be shipped from China, will update when pallets are in the air!!

OSB stocked is ready to be shipped from China, will update when pallets are in the air!!
Hi, came across these, looks real good.
I don't like the film but I kind of want to buy this figure just to support the company. They knocked this outta the park.
How can we have such good/similar taste in movies but not see eye-to-eye on this one?Its not a great film but some aspects definitely are, especially Pacino's performance. Yes at times weak and exagerrated but overall it IS legendary. Method acting at its best imo.
Here is my take of Scarface:
When I first saw the movie years ago I didnt get it, but after a few viewings it really really grew on me. First off you have a total badass in Pacino's character, he takes nothing from nobody, is fearless, a bit reckless, a stone cold killer, and yet likable. You see his rise to power, going from a nobody to a somebody and you get him at his peak and on his way down. I personally love watching the rise to power and this movie really delivers here, from the early killings to working for Robert Loggia's character, to becoming the king.
As far as the story is concerned its a pretty accurate a account of what was really going on in the Miami Dade county during coke boom.
Next you have Pacino's performance which is incredible, and he goes through a range of emotions and again delivers on all cylinders. These reasons are more than enough to justify getting this figure and I personally wait.
Yeah the sculptor use to do some work for Hot Toys,which includes the Godfather figure,and as for the co.themselves well according to their bio they have been in the business since 06.They did mostly figures based on Korean actors from film,TV,etc.You can read all of this on their website.I CAN"T WAIT TO GET THIS IN MY GRUBBY HANDS!!^_^
Ok,thanks for the info.Let's hope we see more from these guys and not just another one-hit wonder like the other smaller companies over the years we haven't heard from since.
These unboxing videos creep me the eff out. All those disembodied hands slowly caressing slipcovers and seductively removing trays...it's weird, man.
I mean, I'm always happy to get a preview of upcoming products, and I appreciate the fact that people are taking the time to make them, but there's something kind of freaky about 'em.
Figure looks great, though.![]()