Boba Fett Customizations/Modifications: Image Thread

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I customize my Medicom Boba Fett a little bit... added the transparent "tubes" in the arm, because the original tube was white and just one, instead of three.





Great little custom addition you did to your Fett.

Can you tell me where you got the clear tubing from to do this?

The smallest clear tube I could find was still too large.

Well... the Hasbro Gammy does come wearing a massive hairball around his waist, so not sure there's any schooling there!:lol

While I agree that "stellar" is overstating with SSC Gammy - that fig had several issues (and I completely agree about articulation and the paint, but only snout color, not overall) - but "complete misfire" is way off.

I do like the headsculpt on Hasbro 3 3/4" a little better, but what makes the soft goods on the SSC "horrible"? The leather belts are brown instead of black... but overall horrible? The "raised neck" issue isn't an issue - SSC left off a neck wrap like what hammerhead came with. With a scrap of added brown fabric, the head sits 100% accurate.

As for Bossk... the sculpt is not SSC's inaccuracy (I was one of the first to point out that the head wasn't screen accurate) - it's clearly something that LFL imposes as a design revision. Other than the head and wrist articulation gaps (yes, bad choice) what was wrong with the figure? The flight suit is stunningly done, the weapon 100% screen accurate (unlike SSC Boba's rifle.)

I'm the last one to say SSC is any good (just look at my many posts criticizing their repeated lack of simple observation skills) but the figures I mention above are pretty great.
Squeak - you debate civilly.. I like your style buddy. :duff

Firstly; the fur tutu on the little piggy figure - it's completely fixable. They were put on back to front in the factory, so first thing is to turn it back around so it sits right. Next; a little water treatment, & the fur is completely tameable.

End result? A SPOT ON representation of the character - SPOT ON, that only costs a few bucks at any mall / store etc.. while the other is supposed to be high end.. & doesn't really deliver.

Secondly; the leather piece under the fur on the SSC figure drapes way too low. That combined with the cut of the fur section, just looks plain bad.

Thirdly; the head sits too high on the shoulders - it should sit way lower. I'm not talking fancy scarfs or shawls remedying anything. :lol The proportions of the SSC figure, don't match the piggy on film. It needs to be stouter, with pretty much NO neck. The jowls /chin hang further down than the figure does. Maybe not total, but there's more misfire than not with the production figure. :huh

Now - Bossk. I LOVE the character. I just don't think SSC paid attention to the things that would've enhanced the figure to truly call it a 'home run'.

The heads - not a fan of either of them. The tongue out one, just looks like he needs a drink. The eyes - not right. The proportions; I feel they're too lanky overall, & how the base of the neck seems to start above the shoulder line, so it looks like he's drooping his shoulders & sticking his neck out..

The flight vest looks oversized & puffy to me - like how it tapers out as it goes up the torso (could just be a futzing thing, that folks aren't fixing). The way the suit hugs the figure's crotch, so that it looks like it's disappeared. The tubular forearms. The obvious wrist & ankle joints. The whole figure just looks like some Clone Wars-ish take on Bossk, not the guy in the movie.

Anyway - I'm open to being proved wrong on the SSC Bossk, but NONE of the pics in here - or anywhere else, have sold me on it, which is disappointing. Once again, the little 2007 VTSC Hasbro Bossk looks far better - like Adamfett just recently mentioned - as does the 7" 'Unleashed' version. The head sculpt details might be a little soft on the 7"U, but it's a pretty damn good looking movie Bossk in a comic style action pose.

I do understand though, that sculpting an outfit is easier than creating a scaled down outfit in fabric etc.. but depending on the attention to detail & quality of the work, that can go either way. I honestly just would like more, from a so called high end 1/6 figure. :huh

I'm expecting some major backlash from my comments.. but guys - if your counterpoints stand up, I'll concede. :lol :wink1:

Actually - all this is completely off topic, so apologies in advance too. :lol
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^ :lol

Just so you know folks - I'm simply sharing my thoughts, not trying to stir the pot or anything. :)

I'm all for friendly, robust debate. :peace
Well... the Hasbro Gammy does come wearing a massive hairball around his waist, so not sure there's any schooling there!:lol

While I agree that "stellar" is overstating with SSC Gammy - that fig had several issues (and I completely agree about articulation and the paint, but only snout color, not overall) - but "complete misfire" is way off.

I do like the headsculpt on Hasbro 3 3/4" a little better, but what makes the soft goods on the SSC "horrible"? The leather belts are brown instead of black... but overall horrible? The "raised neck" issue isn't an issue - SSC left off a neck wrap like what hammerhead came with. With a scrap of added brown fabric, the head sits 100% accurate.

As for Bossk... the sculpt is not SSC's inaccuracy (I was one of the first to point out that the head wasn't screen accurate) - it's clearly something that LFL imposes as a design revision. Other than the head and wrist articulation gaps (yes, bad choice) what was wrong with the figure? The flight suit is stunningly done, the weapon 100% screen accurate (unlike SSC Boba's rifle.)

I'm the last one to say SSC is any good (just look at my many posts criticizing their repeated lack of simple observation skills) but the figures I mention above are pretty great.

Regarding Bossk, what makes you say that it's CLEARLY a Lucasfilm decision? I haven't read that before and I'm very curious if this is fact.

As for the SideShow Boba Fett rifle, what exactly are you referring to in terms of accuracy? Other than the jetpack, it's the only part of the figure I can even TOLERATE anymore.
Because the revised design (plated fins on top and at back, distinct horns, leaner more angular head) started cropping up from multiple manufacturers around ten years ago - Hasbro, GG etc. Figures made before ten years ago have the screen accurate look - e.g. POTF2 Bossk, POTJ 12" Bossk as opposed to 2003/04 onward era Hasbro sculpts. To me, this consistency and the distinct time period where it changed proves it was an LFL design decision. Don't you think if it wasn't the case, there would be a screen-accurate Bossk at some point in the past several years - is it coincidence that ALL manufacturers produce the same look and none of them are screen accurate?

Even though you're probably correct, I have to *somewhat* disagree. It's very possible (to me, anyways) that one of the artists who drew him at one time embellished his features, and that simply got passed around by LFL until it essentially became incorporated into the character. The Bossk character wasn't nearly as thoroughly catalogued as many of the other characters. However, in all liklihood, the real answer is probably some kind of mixture of both of these theories.

Scope support brackets totally wrong, the step in the middle of the barrel (which wasn't in the SSC prototype.) The stock isn't bad but is not 100% accurate (shape, greeblies) There's a ton of pics out there to compare it to - which makes it doubly dumb that SSC didn't nail it.

Wow! I never noticed the step! It's actually accurate, just in the wrong place. The 'step' is actually the muzzle of the rifle. But it should be much farther forward than it is, and should 'hide' underneath the foremost ring mount.

The scope mounts are fine to me. I can forgive something like that when we're talking about pieces that small. The same with the stock greeblies. They should be repositioned, but I can live with it, especially since the overall presentation is VERY nice!

But I'm floored by the 'step' part!

Great little custom addition you did to your Fett.

Can you tell me where you got the clear tubing from to do this?

The smallest clear tube I could find was still too large.


Belive it or not... from a outside laptop cooler.

It was a cheap fan made in China.


In fact, this is it:

Wow! I never noticed the step! It's actually accurate, just in the wrong place. The 'step' is actually the muzzle of the rifle. But it should be much farther forward than it is, and should 'hide' underneath the foremost ring mount.

The scope mounts are fine to me. I can forgive something like that when we're talking about pieces that small. The same with the stock greeblies. They should be repositioned, but I can live with it, especially since the overall presentation is VERY nice!

But I'm floored by the 'step' part!

Posted this a ways back in my Fett mod thread. This was the best I could do (for now) the correct he blaster:
I was hoping that Sideshow's Fett blaster would be an easy replacement for my custom...alas...they really, REALLY botched it up. The details are nice and sharp with great paint apps. It looks very cool...but far from accurate. Medi and Marmit both have inaccuracies as well, but (at least they got the shape and overall proportions correct.
As I said, I liked the sharp details of Sideshow's so I took the bit I like the most and cannibalized it with the Medi Barrel for a more accurate shape. Angled the Stock, added custom strap, chromed the end, add paint:
(Quick pics with my phone)

Chrome contact paper with black and rust paint wash.
Circled the Medi part:
The whole thread can be follow here:
Snowtrooper goggles are really, really simple design, but... oops. Eyeslits way too small, goggles wrong shape. This isn't perfectionist, it's just getting it to look like it did in the movie. Why settle for "kind of right" in a $150 fig?
The eyes are only part of the head gear's problems.

The crown of the headgear is too tall & bulbous, & the face shield material looks like a large roughly cut, unironed table napkin. :lol

Rorywan's onto the right path, with replacing the face shield with better looking material, & cutting it to the proper shape.
I customize my Medicom Boba Fett a little bit... added the transparent "tubes" in the arm, because the original tube was white and just one, instead of three.




Nice custom detail, geraldfire; fixing those bells next would give him a much better overall look.