Waitlist 4 lyfe
Re: Boba Fett (new version)
CBG 4 lyfe son
CBG 4 lyfe son
Lmfao same. Part knows he's trolling but it's funnier to think that he's really well, CBGCBG is like Neil Hamburger for me - logically, I have to assume it's an act - but it's much, much funnier to pretend it's not.
You wanted to top Bruce and up the CBG level to CBG 4XistenceI don't find it funny at all. CBG crossed over from annoyance to Ignore list for me a long time ago. But since everyone insists on bringing him up all the time, it is pretty inescapable.
Now I forget why I stopped by this thread or what I wanted to say.
You wanted to top Bruce and up the CBG level to CBG 4Xistence
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Lol yeah figured. Maybe you wanted to say how ****ing awesome it is and will be?Really, I did want to comment on something about this statue, and now, even after lunch, don't remember what it was. Such is CBG.
Really, I did want to comment on something about this statue, and now, even after lunch, don't remember what it was. Such is CBG.
Hmm, how about Boba Fett is awesome?
CBG's collection is awesome!
You wanted to top Bruce and up the CBG level to CBG 4Xistence
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Really, I did want to comment on something about this statue, and now, even after lunch, don't remember what it was. Such is CBG.
Spook is for horror figs
I know it's not the PF but I changed my Fett Mythos display and wanted to share a pic....
Big ups CBG for the inspiration