I'd contact SSC about the rifle. There's not much to be done on the girthbelt to be honest. Happens in real life Boba Fetts too.[/QUOTE said:I try too fix when is totaly broken
I'd contact SSC about the rifle. There's not much to be done on the girthbelt to be honest. Happens in real life Boba Fetts too.[/QUOTE said:I try too fix when is totaly broken
I'd contact SSC about the rifle. There's not much to be done on the girthbelt to be honest. Happens in real life Boba Fetts too.
Sorry. Now, you might never not see it. It was seeing them both together in those photos that made it stand out. Maybe since he is leaning forward, it won't stand out too bad in hand.
Looking at this photo where the decal is higher res, it doesn't look as off as some of the others, though it still lays too far to the horizontal. I think they may have aligned the decal to the top edge of the armor plate, which angles downward clockwise once attached to the vest, and would cant the decal that direction by as many degrees as the edge angles. SSC probably gave them a decal template which didn't take this into account when the factory was told to align the template to the top edge of the armor plate when applying the decal. How many figures, statues, and busts has SSC done of Boba Fett, to end up not thinking about that on this PF?
I don't know. If this is representative of what most will look like, it may not be a huge deal. I guess we'll see more when more people start to get them.
View attachment 241919
And for those who think about these things in the context of historical military models and artwork, this might help you visualize the error:
View attachment 241940
believe it or not that can be fixed!!..but i'm pretty sure there aren't many people here with modelling skills to cope so lose your minds!!..still it's boba fett! end of story....
theres no creativity here! so YES go crazy about the decal!!
and do yourself a favor and stop posting pics of stuff you don't understand or care about...stick to your comic statues..i'm sure that's all you know..lMaO
If I understand your rant right, you're saying that a decal on this $440 statue that is misaligned is my problem because if I had your elite modeling skills it might be fixed, and it's unreasonable to feel like maybe it was Sideshows responsibility to make sure it was right in production? And, furthermore, since "theres [sic] no creativity here!", it's also anyone else who might care's problem. I posted pictures of an authentic inaccuracy with this product, so I'm thinking I understand this sort of thing quite well. You're ironically more upset by my pointing this out, than I am about the issue with the decal.
Miguel, you are a good lapdog for Sideshow. I'm sure your commitment to their mediocrity will be well rewarded. Don't change buddy.
sideshow blows chunks..as they have for years..previewing these things year(s) from actual release date and you guys have to suck on it...their business model has always sucked and here you all are speculating...lol...previews should be 3-4 months, tops! anything else is a joke..
wOo..people actually using modelling products in this forum?! guess i'll have to take back what i said about this place...hahaa...well back to the real deal of 1/6 kitbashing/painting!
outta here..
man...see it for 260.00 at an e-shop i buy from BUT there seems to be way too many problems with this thing right out of the box...and that "horse stand" looks atrocious for displaying..meh..on the fence...
This is the guy with the military model accuracy comments? Ah.
Here's the way I look at it. Everyone has passions, and they're going to be particular about their passions. To comment on something's flaws because a person is passionate about that thing, doesn't mean they can't enjoy it, or that it's never good enough, nor does it mean that person is being silly or plain wrong. And it doesn't mean that thing isn't good enough to be an excellent addition to a collection. It just means something is amiss and can be improved on. Desiring for something to be improved, is hand in hand with being passionate about that thing. Folks that come here demanding a separation of passion and criticism misunderstand why people get involved in this hobby.
Some people are never happy with something, and will gripe and pick at that thing forever. But, being happy with something is different from being satisfied. Being satisfied says this statue is the best we can get. Nobody collects like that. If they did, they wouldn't buy the next version of a statue, or the next Hot Toys figure. It's okay not to be 100% satisfied, and it's perfectly reasonable to be happy with something that's 95% there. I'm going to be plenty happy with this statue, warts and all. But, it could be improved on, and that's just a matter of fact. Chances are, so will the next one. But, what we're hoping for is incremental improvement.
Man, that misaligned decal just might be a dealbreaker for me. As big of a bummer as it is I'm actually glad it was pointed out because it WOULD have been noticed at some point, possibly months after owning it. I don't think I'd be able to not be bugged by it and for the price I can't be having something that will make me furrow my brow at even a glance.
Yeah, I'm kinda on the fence now too. It would be totally humiliating if we had friends over and have such an atrocity noticed before they've even taken their coats off.
I assume your point is "oh come on it's not that big a deal." And on the one hand you're right. But lets say you went to a car dealership to buy a sports car. You found exactly the one you wanted but someone had keyed it on one side. Now that doesn't make it cheaper, no you still have to pay full MSRP. So you go, "hmm, let me look at the others," and then you notice that some jerk had come in the middle of the night and keyed all the cars. I wouldn't buy the car. Especially if there was no way to fix it. I'd just feel too stupid driving around in this dumb luxury automobile that had been keyed. Sure the engine performance would still be great and you wouldn't even notice it from all angles. But it'd be there, and it'd feel lame. And some things are just too expensive (and ultimately unnecessary anyway) for "lame."
I was able to get one of these through the waitlist for the exclusive but I bought a Mythos Fett while I was waiting. Will this be worth anything or is in demand? Deciding if I should invest in it or just let it go.
Just started collecting so I was wondering how much these will go up in price over time.
Everyone is aware that the logo itself is innaccurate too, right?!
Man, that misaligned decal just might be a dealbreaker for me. As big of a bummer as it is I'm actually glad it was pointed out because it WOULD have been noticed at some point, possibly months after owning it. I don't think I'd be able to not be bugged by it and for the price I can't be having something that will make me furrow my brow at even a glance.
Yeah, I'm kinda on the fence now too. It would be totally humiliating if we had friends over and have such an atrocity noticed before they've even taken their coats off.
I assume your point is "oh come on it's not that big a deal." And on the one hand you're right. But lets say you went to a car dealership to buy a sports car. You found exactly the one you wanted but someone had keyed it on one side. Now that doesn't make it cheaper, no you still have to pay full MSRP. So you go, "hmm, let me look at the others," and then you notice that some jerk had come in the middle of the night and keyed all the cars. I wouldn't buy the car. Especially if there was no way to fix it. I'd just feel too stupid driving around in this dumb luxury automobile that had been keyed. Sure the engine performance would still be great and you wouldn't even notice it from all angles. But it'd be there, and it'd feel lame. And some things are just too expensive (and ultimately unnecessary anyway) for "lame."
Believe me, I'm OCD with this kind of stuff. When it was pointed out the first thing I did was go home and look at my 1/6 SS ESB BF to see if the emblem was positioned correctly.It is nuts that something so simple could be messed up on a high end collectible but there's too much else that I like about it to pass..........and yes it will bug me a little.
"He's the unserious one!"
And did Shatner really have no idea where *his own head* would appear if a double was actually standing next to him...?