Dude this is not a bag on Barry thread, this is to speculate if its Adam Hughes the artist who caught the ball damm it.
Ohh yeah never mind, I will fix it.Am I missing somthing I thought he tied the record. I quit keeping up with baseball when the overpaid babies went on strike in 94.
Dude this is not a bag on Barry thread, this is to speculate if its Adam Hughes the artist who caught the ball damm it.
Dude this is not a bag on Barry thread, this is to speculate if its Adam Hughes the artist who caught the ball damm it.
Ohh yeah never mind, I will fix it.
Dude this is not a bag on Barry thread, this is to speculate if its Adam Hughes the artist who caught the ball damm it.
No problem I was reading Fox sports and when I looked at this I knew I was not that drunk. Now I hope he breaks his leg or somthing so he dont break this record.
Geez... it's Hitler vs Stalin all over again. No-Win.I've heard that Bonds will hold the record for about 6 years until A.Rod breaks it.
Here you go, Bonds or Vader....?
You mean like the hall of famer who admited he plaid an entire year with a corked bat, ohh and he was considered one of the best hitters of all time and corked bats were illegal. No one seems to care. I know everyone hates Bonds, but here is a fun lil tidbit of info. Clay Hensley who Bonds hit 755 off of just happened to have suspended for use of performance-enhancing substances. As I have said before I belive the a very large % of all players did them, does it make it right but was it a pretty level playing field, yes.vader is the character you love to hate. bonds..you just hate.
my case is that if someone corked their bat for years and hit tons of homers, then was discovered, and iniated a rule change to outlaw corking, would you think he was rightfully homerun king? why are steroids any different?
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