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thanks for your input. I'm aware of johns adress as I've send him my stuff 2,5 years ago. Is that John Kozin a member here or at osw? or where do you know from him?

Yes, John Kozin is a member here. I know him from his shows in CT. I met John Richer there quite a few times as he attended the show. I'd ask John Kozin what he knows.
yep, i hope Ortizwerx can bring us some helpful informations through John Kozin.

Even if he don't know anything about his situation, it would be a big step to get his phone-number or anything at all to have a chance to get in contact with john.
Even if he don't know anything about his situation, it would be a big step to get his phone-number or anything at all to have a chance to get in contact with john.

His phone number is available via a web search (if you know his address), but I've been hesitant to escalate it to that level of intrusion (even though I'm a couple hundred dollars out of pocket ...)
His phone number is available via a web search (if you know his address), but I've been hesitant to escalate it to that level of intrusion (even though I'm a couple hundred dollars out of pocket ...)

you mean the 123456 number? ;) i don't think that that is his right number. but if you have another number of him, please let me know, i would definitely call him, even if my english isn't that well.
Wait a minute??? I'm confused. Did someone think that "123456" was Boots' phone number???

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Well, even though I understand Johns position, I did a little
research myself just to see what might be happening and
why no one is getting responses.

First, I checked obituaries in and around Cranston RI.
Looks like Johns father(John B Richer) may have past away in last few years.
Nothing on his wife or childern, so that's a good thing.
But that doesn't mean he's not facing a medical hardship with
them either.

I also found that John's real life business (Green Leaf Flower & Garden)
has closed down.

So, he's lost his family business(he was listed as the owner),
lost a parent and other family members have been in a accident or
had serious medical issues. We have no idea what condition those family members are in.

If someone has his address, you can also check to see if that
property has been foreclosed on. Normally, once you lose your
business, your home is next. So someone may want to check
on that just to see.

Either way, sounds like he's facing some major issues
well beyond what's happening here. Not to say what is
happening here isn't important, but on the scale of things, this
is something that can truely change everything for a person.
If you're not strong enough to handle it, it may be a breaking point.

Just some food for thought.
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I'm sorry but even if those would have happened.
It takes like 2 min to go here and explain the situation.

Elvis, I'm just trying to shed some light on the situation, because no one did
any hard research.

Example(Not trying to be mean here).

Didn't you have a health scare with your baby awhile back?

Did anything else in the world matter to you at that point,
other than the health of your baby and wife?
I'm not bashing you at all man.

My baby was sick yes, the mother of my GF was in hospital and my mother too becasuse of heart problem but it didn't stop me to post update and replying to pm's.
Hey, I can completely understand about terrible things happening and needing time to sort things out, but, at the risk of sounding insensitive, eventually you get yourself back on track. I'm sure some can tell you about some really bad thing that happened where nothing else mattered. Be it a death in the family or a sick loved one. But there comes a point in your life where you come back and you realize that life continues and that there are others depending on you.

Granted, in the grand scheme of things, this is minor compared to everything else. But at some point, I'm sure he's looked at all the merchandise he has from people and has got to say "I gotta contact those people". If you don't have the strength to do it yourself, you have someone else do it for you.

We don't know John's actual situation. We all pray that he and his family are all well.
