Okay, even though the costuming looks amazing, IMHO the sculpt is still off. In the production blog overlays, I notice that Sean Bean's eyes are shaped much differently than what we see in the sculpt. The arch of Bean's eyelids slope heavily across either side of his brow, giving his eyes a much more angular appearance. The sculpt, on the other hand, appears to have more rounded, and somewhat smaller orbs. I think it's that one small detail that throws off the sculpt (for me, anyway --I understand that the things are subjective).
What I really fear, however, is that the production painting will ruin the piece. I realize that mass production has its limits, but the pictures I've seen online of the new Anakin 12" look very disappointing (I've yet to see mine in person to form an opinion), and we all know the travesty that befell our beloved Willow Rosenburg from the BUFFY line due to a botched paint scheme. (Of course, the original Buffy and Spike dolls were great, so it really does seem to be the luck of the draw).
I don't mean to sound like a whiner, I'm an ardent SIDESHOW collector and have been for years. But it's very dispiriting to get hyped up about a release's pre-production pix, fork over a premium price and then have the actual production piece turn out markedly different due to a disappointing paint job. With all the loving care being put into this line, I pray the fellowship will not suffer a similar fate.