I may be repeating myself here, but Boromir most definitely ROCKS!

He is really an incredible figure, especially when compared to other figures that cost a lot more. Yes, it would have been great to have his fur-lined cloak, and it would be nice if his sword wasn't so delicate and prone to warping/breaking, but those are minor things when you consider this figure overall. I went out and picked up a regular edition to go with the exclusive just so I'll have some extra Boromir stuff to customize.
While I understand the desire to have a more realistic-looking mailshirt, so you can see the detailed rings up close, if you were actually looking at Boromir from a distance in proportion with the size of the figure, you might not actually be able to see that much detail in real life.. unless you had Elf-vision, that is. For that reason I'm not too worried about the look of his simulated mail sleeves, they look great imo!
Btw, from all the stills I've seen, Boromir had a more complicated knot tied in his belt than the one in the photos below. It was more than a simple "knight's knot". It doesn't really matter, but if you want that "movie accurate" look, then look for some closeups of him and you'll see what I mean. I tied his belt that way and it looks great!