Super Freak
Wow Al, I wish mines would came looking like yours maybe it would be a little more impressive...
The "Original Hulk" showed up today, and I must say that this is one of the most unimpressive statue that I have bought this year. But, it's mines and I will love it for what it is...The Hulk,
Was not able to escape the gamma hairline!
The eyes is something else that was need to send this statue over the top. I think that if you are going to use the same body sculpt, then pull all the stop during the paint process. If they could make the eyes that way on he bust, then it sure should have made on to the statue. Especially being so similar in the head scuplt to the bust.
I was just wondering sitting looking at Al's Hulk, is it even the same as the other Hulk that have been released. I don't see the second longer pipe sticking out of the back like all the other Hulk base that we have seen.
I believe he accidentally broke his off.