Awesome pics. Now your making me want one of
Nice pics all around. I like that retro hulk a lot too.
Any word on what's up with BD?
To be honest; it is a mistery. Randy is going through a divorce so there is a lot of unknowns. We can only wait and see but I'll keep you posted.
It could drag on for years
It could drag on for years
Thanks, any info would be appreciated.
Not gonna hold my breath... if that's the case I might be completely outta this hobby once things get settled.
Finally got the only 2 Bowen Hulks Mr. Green is interested in: Maestro and Planet Hulk.
Holy crap I just looked up the Bowen Antman. Prices are all over the place. Some as high as a grand.
Finally got the only 2 Bowen Hulks Mr. Green is interested in: Maestro and Planet Hulk.
Nice! Two of Bowen's best. Beautiful display by the way. Congrats!
Agreed with jpsarri, Awesome display!!
Thanks, they're keeper for sure. Planet Hulk is AP version.
I would kill for a Maestro PF. I always loved the Bowen one.
The BD Maestro is one of the company's very best pieces. The base alone is incredible. That's something we won't likely see again given Misney's ridiculous no fallen heroes rule.
Holy crap I just looked up the Bowen Antman. Prices are all over the place. Some as high as a grand.
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It is unfortunate. Fallen hero bases rock.