Super Freak
Anyone going to catch 'Talking Bad' tonight?
I hate Talking Dead...so Im certainly NOT looking forward to it, but Im going to watch it tonight because VG is on it. I'll just ignore Hardwicks dumbassness.

Anyone going to catch 'Talking Bad' tonight?
I hate Talking Dead...so Im certainly NOT looking forward to it, but Im going to watch it tonight because VG is on it. I'll just ignore Hardwicks dumbassness.:
I like VG's shirt!
I'm baffled to know what the M60 and Ricin are for.
Also with kneeling on the towel in the bathroom.
also did anyone else notice when walt throws up, he put the towel under his knees just like gus did in mexico?
I noticed that too. He always samples a trait of someone he kills.
OMG!!! As soon as that garage door went down the tension just hit the roof and did not let up!!! Wow!! What a great scene, cant wait for next week!!!!!!!!
Yep, that was iiiiinteeennnssse
Exactly what I was thinking!Great episode!
Bring on the rest!
GREAT EPISODE!!!!! Those last few minutes I was on the edge of my seat. I can't believe that the confrontation between Hank and Walt happened so soon! That's what I love about this show. You have no idea how it will play out. And Walt pleading with Jesse to believe him. Walt needs Jesse to believe him so he doesn't have to take Jesse out too. So sad to see this amazing show end!
As bad as Walt has become I am still rooting for him to get away. I know he is not the man he once was but the powerful acting by Bryan Cranston still makes me care for him.
I hate Talking Dead...so Im certainly NOT looking forward to it, but Im going to watch it tonight because VG is on it. I'll just ignore Hardwicks dumbassness.: