Breaking Bad

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Walt doesn't care about Hank. He cares about his wife. Who's sister is married to Hank. :wave
I don't think we can say that. He shot Saul down on that very quickly and just said Hank's family and didn't get into the logistics of it. Walt also saved Hank from being killed by Gus, putting his own family at risk in the process (and he said in that ep that Hank was a "good man that doesn't deserve to die"). Don't believe he's quite as ruthless as you think, in that regard.

Edit: And wait a sec, most obviously he was willing to turn himself in and lose all of the money to keep Hank from getting killed. Think what the money meant to him (plus dying in disgrace in jail, his family destroyed). He should've been begging Jack to come down there and kill Hank, Gomez and Jessie, as all his immediate problems are over once they're dead.

Did anyone notice Meth Damon wasn't really even aiming?
Yeah, I did. He looked like he knew he was firing blanks, basically. Took me out a bit, too, but minor nit-pick.

Nazi's. I hate these guys.
No apostrophe in Nazis. :lecture
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Yeah, don't remind me. Too long of a wait.

You going to check out Talking Bad tonight?!?! Cranston is on! :rock

Thanks for reminding me! :yess: I generally will pass on TB because Hardwick is such a twit but if Cranston is on I'm going to watch it.
After BrBa I switched to Ray Donovan and wasted another hour watching Dexter.
I was just watching the news and read your post and immediately switched back to AMC and have TB set up to record!
I liked how you could tell Jesse didn't believe they'd beat Walt until the cuffs were on him. Then he seemed to breathe a little sigh of relief but before that you can tell he's expecting Walt to turn things around, somehow. And then his worst nightmare happens. Really curious if he'll make it out alive next show... I think the meth slave cook thing has some serious merit, though.

Brilliant how the writers found a way for Hank and Jesse to find the money without referencing the lottery ticket, too. Last week Jesse's threat of hitting Walt "where he really lives" being a reference to the money was dismissed because the lottery ticket was the only clue we could see Jesse or Hank unravelling. Love how this show manages to consistently surprise the viewers.
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if there's any indication of that important phone call between Hank and Marie .
why did he have to call her and say all that mushy gushy stuff .

Hanks Dead

its either hanks or jesse,
death of major character confirmed in the leak... maybe both jesse and hank died leaving gomez with no evidence to arrest walt... but agony.. haha
Ooo yea after the call hank made he's defiantly a goner. I think they'll just be a massive final battle in the desert tho. I feel it
its either hanks or jesse,
death of major character confirmed in the leak... maybe both jesse and hank died leaving gomez with no evidence to arrest walt... but agony.. haha

The director of "Fly!" Awesome!

Ooo yea after the call hank made he's defiantly a goner. I think they'll just be a massive final battle in the desert tho. I feel it

Part of me wishes it would've been more low key. Though the ending impressed the hell out of me, I'm starting to think that Hank might be Jesus based on his luck in gunfights. Just imagine if, I don't know his name from BB, so I'll just refer to him as "Devil"; his character on Justified, had pulled the trigger and Gomie just hit the ground. Then you see the rest of them start firing and roll credits. Just as intense, yet much more realistic.
I'm probably alone in thinking this season has been annoying a little. Although the confrontation in the desert is definitely one of the highlights in the whole show.

One things for sure, at least one of the main cast at the very least is going to hit the dirt next episode.
Yes I know Dexter is dog ****. It's just that I think Walter is being made out to be a dummy. Like Jesse disappeared and not once did he think Hank got him.
Personally I have no sympathy for Jesse anymore. He's really no better than Walt and betrayed the only person that looked out for him. Good riddance, Pinkman!


the funny thing is that, If Walt didn't save Jesse from Gus when those two guys were going to kill him way back, Walt wouldn't have any problems right now.
It is funny how Walt kept saving Jesse over and over, and over and over, even against Gus, risking his own life and everything...

Just to have Jesse completely betray him and sell him out. Even Walt tried telling Jesse to remember how Walt saved him from Gus before.

Jesse needs to die, seriously. But because of betraying Walt now, but because from the very beginning their lives have been at risk because of how careless and wild Jesse always was.
I hope he doesn't make it out alive at the end.
Part of me wishes it would've been more low key. Though the ending impressed the hell out of me, I'm starting to think that Hank might be Jesus based on his luck in gunfights. Just imagine if, I don't know his name from BB, so I'll just refer to him as "Devil"; his character on Justified, had pulled the trigger and Gomie just hit the ground. Then you see the rest of them start firing and roll credits. Just as intense, yet much more realistic.

I was hoping for something along those lines as well although I was pretty happy with what we got. I imagined it as Hank still talking with his wife on the phone, gets shot in the head, cut to Walt's reaction, we see the Nazis in the distance, and then the credits roll. Something cliched like that. :lol

the funny thing is that, If Walt didn't save Jesse from Gus when those two guys were going to kill him way back, Walt wouldn't have any problems right now.
It is funny how Walt kept saving Jesse over and over, and over and over, even against Gus, risking his own life and everything...

Just to have Jesse completely betray him and sell him out. Even Walt tried telling Jesse to remember how Walt saved him from Gus before.

Jesse needs to die, seriously. But because of betraying Walt now, but because from the very beginning their lives have been at risk because of how careless and wild Jesse always was.
I hope he doesn't make it out alive at the end.


And then spitting on Walt's face. :gah:
I don't understand people who totally root for Walt. I understand rooting for Walt, because he's a great character...but if you don't see where Jesse is coming from, you're kinda nuts in the head. If you can't see how Walt ****ed his life up 20 ways to Sunday....well....Christ. Walt does care about Jesse. But even so, he still let his girlfriend die, when he could've saved her. He still poisoned a child, which is a horrible thing that you cannot justify. He constantly manipulates him and lies all the time.

Walt is a bastard. But the kind of Bastard to love. He's just like Scarface. But saying Jesse needs to die, is like saying Tony did the right thing by shooting his friend for dating his sister. You can blame it on Jesse....but who lured him in the first place? Who pulled all the strings? Who killed Gus Fring, Mike, Hector...ect....just so he could create his super empire of meth? Jesse wanted out on multiple occasions. But Walt, sucked him back in.
