I thought this was some funny ____. The irony of Obi-Wan's body disappearing, sending him out in space, those comments, specifically Yoda's.
Alderaan was an inside job? No?
No need for people to get their panties in a bunch.
Hahaha, just saw the bit about Han shooting first,
Qui-Gon Jin · 1 day ago
Now, I'm a local bar owner in Mos Eisley (on Tatooine) and I just want to say that "old Ben" as he was known to the locals, had us all cowering in fear! I remember just recently, he came into my bar and chopped off the arm of one of my best customers! I'm so glad that Vader was able to get this guy, now my customers can finally drink without fear of getting lightsabered.
2 replies · active 18 hours ago
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Greedo Jr.'s avatar
Greedo Jr. · 20 hours ago
Yeah, and one of his minions shot my Dad without even giving him a chance to defend himself! I'm glad justice has been done!
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Narnar Binks's avatar
Narnar Binks · 18 hours ago
Isa heard yoursa daddysa shot first. (Or was that just Imperial propaganda?