Origins Kurgan Crusader
i'm going to order 2 unpainted.... payment will go about Wednesday.
do you have a pic of that scene? im too lazy to get the dvds out. someone mentioned the jacket on the robert englund as freddy fig from sideshow.Very soon we will be one step closer to having Team Angel. I'm just looking for the brown coat Wesley wears when he's shooting the Beast. Anyone have any idea what figure comes with a similar type of coat. I've checked the few ebay stores and websites that carry loose items to no avail. Any suggestions "Bring me Wesley's head" commitment thread freaks.
do you have a pic of that scene? im too lazy to get the dvds out. someone mentioned the jacket on the robert englund as freddy fig from sideshow.
actually i was thinking that same thing the other day, weird.speaking of team angel, does anyone else think that Yavin Luke resembles Connor?
i'm going to order 2 unpainted.... payment will go about Wednesday.
i agree. i definitely want gunn next. everyone is gonna want illyria but how would you do an outfit for her? id much rather have fred before illyria.I held out as long as I could, but rewatching the series got the better of me. Now we need Fredand Gunn.
i agree. i definitely want gunn next. everyone is gonna want illyria but how would you do an outfit for her? id much rather have fred before illyria.
I'd much prefer Fred over Illyria just from the stand point that Fred was on for a few more seasons. Illyria was at the end of the line.
Spenser I hope this has been a good experience for you. There is a lot of enthusiasm here for your work and I know I'm not alone when I say that I hope this leads to the other missing characters being done.
I'd like to do Fred and Gunn.