y'know, come to think of it Sideshow could have done SO much better, SO much more with a re-release of this PF instead of the insipidly uninspired version they are offering.
If they're just going to re-hash the body and alter the hair and not stick to any particular theme fine, but they could have done so much more with this same pose and a new hairsculpt than they chose to do.
How does the Punisher, Hellboy, LOTR, Star Wars. John Wayne, heck, even Spike (and so many other PFs) get a really nice, highly detailed outfit with many layers, well researched fabrics accessories etc and Buffy gets treated like crap outfit wise on two different PFs!!!???!!!!
Ok, so I'll give you the little black dress for the first one, but show us something with the second PF, how lame is it essentially just adding a pair of red pants over the dress?
Can't believe it but I'm honestly po'd about a collectible right now.

Look at the line of PFs that Sideshow has released and tell me you don't think Sideshow took about the cheapest possible route designing this figure. They were probably all laughing in R&D, it was probably a joke at first to all of them. "Hey guys, what if we took the exact same Buffy, but put the other hair on her and a pair of red pants... I bet 300 people buy it, that's $75,000!!!" "No way, they'd be real lemmings to do that"..."Hey, let's post it at ToyFair and see how it goes, y'know, just for laughs"
We were fed the story with the first Buffy PF that they put the money into the figure sculpt and that left little for the outfit. First off I didn't believe that, (surely Hellboy cost as much to sculpt but he got the overcoat, gun, belt etc. and cost $250, same with others) so what's the excuse with this version Sideshow?????
Yeah, I know, don't like it don't buy it, but the thing is I want to buy Buffy PFs, I want to support the line so more stuff is released. I'll buy a re-hash of the sculpt even, I'm that big of a fan. But please, don't insult us, that is a half-a$...no, make that quarter a$$ effort. We've seen Sideshow PFs that blow us away, we know you're capable of so much more, why does Buffy get the short end of the stick when it comes to PF costumes??????