Building/3D printing a figure, and finding out how as i go along :)

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Mmmm so the trick would be to create a suspension pegs/ frame to keep the skeleton in the centre... That could be what all those plugs are in the rubber bodies are for.
Pretty sure printing in rubber isnt possible (yet) and in the detail you would want to use it.
Just have to wait till high resolution printers become afordable at home. Then things would really get interesting.
Now its too riscy to just start experimenting and takes too long aswell. Nice ideas tho, those skeleton with skin figures sure are the way to go.

Another pic of the head assembly, this time with the angry face.
Hard to get the detail with the translucent material but this pic shows it a bit more.

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Fierox are these still from Shapeways? Just wondering why, if they are, do you even need to cast at all? Set up a store on Shapeways and sell the parts directly from there. No need for you to handle at all, customers can buy direct.
Fierox are these still from Shapeways? Just wondering why, if they are, do you even need to cast at all? Set up a store on Shapeways and sell the parts directly from there. No need for you to handle at all, customers can buy direct.

How he said somewhere before - this isn't cheap printing, so he want lowered price with casting.
Yeah two different materials from Shapeways are used.
Printing a figure this size isnt cheap tho and you still dont have a complete ready-to-pose figure. Plus it takes a very small margin to end up with loose joints or fit problems.
Its all a learning experience for me aswell and hopefully i can get it to a complete figure. Then what i learn from it i can take with me on the next project :)
However if it doesnt work out i dont mind to put in on Shapeways for people to take it further.
Well here's another update. First the home made casting/molding didnt really work out.
While the detail on the casts was just perfect each mold had its own problem spot making it more or less useless (only did the big and difficult parts but thats enough).
Guess some of the parts are just to complicated for me to mold (the joint bits).
Too bad but atleast i learned alot and thats the reason i started this in the first place :)
Ill continue molding/casting on a little statue i might print next.
Anyway so after a quick hot water dye the figure is assembled and i made lots of little holes for the hair.
Its a bit hard to see in the picture (especially with the face being transparent) but next to the face the more hidden joints improve the figure so much.
And its still very posable so i'm really happy with that.
Theres another discount on Shapeways and with the figure assembled i can improve some small parts a bit more and perhaps do a knife another hand or something (and keep the cost down).
Then i can finally get it painted, add hair and some outfit, cant wait to turn this into a finished figure!

If you make a couple more I'm still interested in one depending on how this turns out. After you finish this project, how about taking this on? I'd love to find someone who could do this.

If you make a couple more I'm still interested in one depending on how this turns out. After you finish this project, how about taking this on? I'd love to find someone who could do this (Pepper image in suit).

Thanks, i was mailing with someone about getting the molds done but i havent heared back yet. So if that doesnt work out i'll make the 3d print available through Shapeways.

And hmmm i didnt know that suit was really tailored to Pepper's figure so much, looks really good!
But with all the Hot Toys iron man figures already out there isnt there a good chance Hot Toys will present this one any time soon aswell?

Based on my experience creating a full figure sofar i would need an Iron man figure for it to really match next to it and probably spend a thousand just on printing to get to a good working figure.
Maybe even a little more if multiple parts other then just the face need the highest detail material.
So i guess its best to wait for Hot Toys, or for 3D printing to get a little cheaper :)
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Hey all,

Took a bit longer then expected but now with some updated parts the prototype of the figure is (finally) almost completed.
The figure now pretty much works, it can stand and be posed, faces and hands can be switched, eyes can be moved around a bit.
Might try and print one or two more tweaks but the way the figure is now is pretty much it.
Really cant wait to have a figure painted and show it with added hair and outfit!

And perhaps more good news for some, if there is enough interest (over a minimum of 30 pieces) the figure can actually be produced! But more on that later, thx for the tips and advice on that matter!

made a quick photo, will add some more when i added the base blue to all the parts.
(the face is made of transparent material so not good to see)
Hey thanks alot :D

After i colored all the new bits blue today i made a few pictures in some quick poses.
Unfortunatly i cant die the transparent faces blue but it gives an idea what the figure looks like now :)
A few more tweaks and then i can have it painted.




This is what I love to see on this forum - people taking things to the next level. Congrats - it looks great and such an ambitious project.
This is what I love to see on this forum - people taking things to the next level. Congrats - it looks great and such an ambitious project.

^ Totally agree.

This is amazing to me, my mind is buzzing with possibilities. I wish I could quit my job and make toys all day now.