Such an unprecedented & unparalleled film.
To me, just like the SW OT, it is no longer a movie. The story & Biology involved don't stand the most superficial analysis from an adult perspective (more so with SW, which is just non-sensical & for the kicks of it). To me, these movies are statements on how well things can be done. In a way, they are Kubrick-level of seriousness.
As a child back in the 80s, seeing all those wonders on the silver screens one after the other, I got great expectations for the future of Sci-Fi. Poor silly child. These days, nobody takes cinema that seriously these days. Hot-shots like Villeneuve or Abrams are dull to just ridiculous. The LOTR trilogy, watered-down as it was, is considered SHEER PERFECTION these days. On the money side, Hollywood is a spent force run by committees & algorithms that just won't recover. On the art side, artists and craftspeople only care about getting diploms, paying their mortgages & being happy, dull and forgettable. And let's not even get started about Europe's cinema industry.....
Must confess I haven't seen Strange Days, but since as long as True Lies, Cameron is just the shadow of what he got to be when he was a hungry young filemaker. Money and fame really screw good creators up. Titanic was silly at moments, the Avatars were irrelevant at most.... Good tiny details here & there, but as it happened to Ridley & George (the other 2 most noteworthy examples of this Demise of Creativity that started in the 90s and continues until today), all that they have done since the 80s is perfectly forgettable if not offensively bad (Prometheus & Covenant come to mind). No more T1/T2, no more The Abyss. No more creativity that is challenging to both creators and the public.
Concerning your new bluray, using AI to invent details & add them to the movie is NOT improving its image quality. They sell the AI part because it is hot right now, but in 10 years time, people might be aware of what is already obvious to some: it is all fake, unreal, just one big delusion. Have they even bothered to take the negatives, clean them, scan them @ 8K, then colorgrade that? Why haven't they redone the dated FX? Nope. AI, baby. That's best.
Sorry for the rant. Couldn't help myself.