Buttmunch's 6,000 posts: Summer Toys Money Saver!

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Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
Well I actually only have a few posts to get to 6,000, but I figured I'd post this before I forget.

As any well-rounded collector knows, Summer movie toys are about to hit hard this Thursday: Indy, Hulk, Batman and more! So even though I don't have any special prize to give away, I'll do the next best thing.

I have saved an online coupon from Target.com. It is good for $5 off a $25 purchase (or more). Best thing is it can be used multiple times AND its good until October! I figured sense many of us here will be buying lots of stuff, this might help a bit. I've already used it twice (on the same visit too). You just have to use it on seperate transactions. So this could end up getting you a couple of Indy figures for FREE!

Enjoy! :D


PS I can fit 6 of these on one sheet, so I suggest doing the same. If you have troubles with the pic above, I can email you the file I have saved on my computer.
It was on Target.com, so I don't think they really care. Its either their biggest mistake ever, or best marketing ploy ever.
You'll get there and ya never know when I might retire.

:lol You'll only stop posting when your computer is broken, the board is down, or if you are dead. I don't know if I'll ever reach your post count though. I've been around since the early days of the EZboard and am now only reaching 6K :lol
Not a shameless bump, but I thought some of you might not have seen this and might find it very helpful tomorrow for the Big Day (Indy, Hulk, Dark Knight merchandise).