If I were interested in 1/4 scale droids, I would just wait for the HT versions. Seems inevitable.
If by inevitable you mean slim chance, then sure, why not.
If I were interested in 1/4 scale droids, I would just wait for the HT versions. Seems inevitable.
Got to get it, prefer the sand base, but can't pass it up considering the aftermarket prices!!!
I'm in the same boat. I like the sand base version a bit better, but wasn't in a financial position to purchase when it came out. No way I'm paying the aftermarket prices, so I was pleasantly surprised when these got announced. These are a grail for me, so I've PO'd and I'm looking forward to displaying them prominently in my collection. I suspect if HT ever does these they will be even better, but I'm not letting the opportunity to get 1:4 scale versions for under $800 pass me by again while I wait to see what they are going to do. I think this will be a fantastic set worth proudly displaying no matter what, so I don't really have any reservations about the purchase.
Hello, I would like to consult. I have the opportunity to buy C-3po and R2-D2 for a vary good price, but the previous version of the sand base. I don't know what to do :/ What is the difference between the previous version and the currently available? Please helpBecause I don't know which version should I pick.
Do You think hot toys make a similare premium format set in near future ?
Oh yeah!!! Congrats on getting them. Your thoughts?