Super Freak
Add me jedistarkiller on PS3 and CrashBandicoota on Xboxlive.
Dam I need to get world at war !
I played and beat the game but I rented it.
I want to join.. I want to join!! I'm addicted to this ^^^^! Nazi Zombies is all I play on COD WAW. The highest I've gotten was 18.
Please add me GamerTag: OTSS RockNRoLLA
Is this a PSN account?
I got to level 23 last night without gliches. I got with a crew that really knew how to play. Man, I think I was playing for over two hours straight on just that one game.
awesome!! i have yet to find a group that is like that. i always end up with one person that likes to do whatever they want to do which ends up with us having to save his butt.
^^ i tried sending you a friend request the other week and it said your account doesnt exist.
^^^nice!! the furthest i've gotten is 19. the team that night knew how to work it, but one dude had to quit and from there the last of the three couldn't hold strong.