Cable HD or Satelite HD?

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The Chaver

Super Freak
CF Supporter
Apr 18, 2007
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I recently switched from cable to satellite with the Dish network.I just ordered the digital package thinking that all I would have to do change to HD in the future was change out the box.I also thought that I would have the option to use the HDMI cable on the digital reciever box but I was mistaken.I'm now stuck with having to use a s-video cable,my picture is blury and faded now.Now I have to pay an additional $100 to upgrade to an HD satellite and receiver.I also was under the impression that the digital image on a high defintion Tv was of better quality than what I'm am seeing now,even if your using just a S-video cable.I was also told that satellite was better than cable and less expensive.Any thoughts?
As far as I know Satellite is less expensive than cable. But you do have to get both the HD receiver and HD package for the better quality. The regular receiver doesn't have HDMI.

For me at school we are using Cox cable and it's about the same quality as if I was running off an antenna, but at home we've got Dish (regular) and even though we're running it through our HD without having an HD signal, it looks much better. (although it is noticeable to see the sort of digital artifacts from low resolution).
Satellite is better by far, you should have gotten the HD receiver when you signed up that's when you get all the free stuff. I constantly change my subscription from my to my wifes name every 2 years to get all the new hardware and promotions. I got a 4 room install with 2 DVR's and 2 HD receivers for free.

As far as I know Satellite is less expensive than cable. But you do have to get both the HD receiver and HD package for the better quality. The regular receiver doesn't have HDMI.

For me at school we are using Cox cable and it's about the same quality as if I was running off an antenna, but at home we've got Dish (regular) and even though we're running it through our HD without having an HD signal, it looks much better. (although it is noticeable to see the sort of digital artifacts from low resolution).

Yeah,it's not so bad on my tube tv's but on my Hi def Tv in the living room it looks like crap!
Satellite is better by far, you should have gotten the HD receiver when you signed up that's when you get all the free stuff. I constantly change my subscription from my to my wifes name every 2 years to get all the new hardware and promotions. I got a 4 room install with 2 DVR's and 2 HD receivers for free.


I was going to get the HD package but didn't want to spend the cash right now,I was planning on switching to HD maybe later.Like I said earlier I thought I would just have to switch the box out,and not whole damn satellite?? I really was just wanting the up converted digital channels for now.
We made the switch from Cox to Dish Network not long ago, and to my eye, I think the cable hi-def channels were a bit sharper.
We made the switch from Cox to Dish Network not long ago, and to my eye, I think the cable hi-def channels were a bit sharper.

Not to mention you don't have near the reception issues during bad weather... :D

(Disclaimer: My company does engineering work for cable companies!)
Cox cable is will be obsolete in 2009. So any one that has Cable will need to by a digital cable box soon.... Or you'll get nothing!. I love COX cable but recently made the switch to recently satelight.

- I HATE CHANGING CHANNELS SO SLOW!.. Hate using the guides.
- HD is nice....

Cable COX
- Love that i can change channel quick lighting fast.
-Cable compaines are locking down to digital in 2009 so you need to buy a reciever with slow crappy channel changing like satelight anyways.
-No HD

Id say there neck in neck... and either way your screwed you need to buy a reciever.
HD Sat vs HD cable are the same... at least ive heard... You want a break in price you can always split your satelight feed with a friend. Buy 2 receivers and put them into 2 different house holds.. HAHAHA..
The 5 second loss of signal I have gotten a total of 3 times in the last 12 years are nothing compared to the 3-5 outages a month I had with cable. At least out here in AZ cable blows ass. I had both installed at the same time and switched them back and forth, Cox came to pick their ^^^^ up the next day.

Not to mention its anywhere from $10-$30 more per month for a worse picture and less channels.

Die cable DIE. Stupid monopoly holders that don't give a rats ass about the customer!!
Not to mention you don't have near the reception issues during bad weather... :D

(Disclaimer: My company does engineering work for cable companies!)

Yeah but don't cable companies use a satellite too? The hardlines just run underground to a hub which utilize a huge satallite right?
Yeah but don't cable companies use a satellite too? The hardlines just run underground to a hub which utilize a huge satallite right?

Yes, they have very, very large dishes and dish farms! The much larger dishes can compensate for the bad weather, while a small home dish has more trouble. Also, they have computerized equipment to let the dish "track" the satellite for the best possible reception! And yes, they can go down in really bad weather if their equipment is hit by lightening or they do lousy maintenance and water leaks into the equipment, but that is becoming less of an issue than it used to be.
Yes, they have very, very large dishes and dish farms! The much larger dishes can compensate for the bad weather, while a small home dish has more trouble. Also, they have computerized equipment to let the dish "track" the satellite for the best possible reception! And yes, they can go down in really bad weather if their equipment is hit by lightening or they do lousy maintenance and water leaks into the equipment, but that is becoming less of an issue than it used to be.

I liked cable but it was just too expensive.I was paying almost $200 to Comcast cable for triple play package that had cable,phone,eternet and stars as movie bundle.Now I might only have to pay $125 for something similar though At&t.
Cox cable is will be obsolete in 2009. So any one that has Cable will need to by a digital cable box soon.... Or you'll get nothing!. I love COX cable but recently made the switch to recently satelight.

- I HATE CHANGING CHANNELS SO SLOW!.. Hate using the guides.
- HD is nice....

Cable COX
- Love that i can change channel quick lighting fast.
-Cable compaines are locking down to digital in 2009 so you need to buy a reciever with slow crappy channel changing like satelight anyways.
-No HD

Id say there neck in neck... and either way your screwed you need to buy a reciever.
HD Sat vs HD cable are the same... at least ive heard... You want a break in price you can always split your satelight feed with a friend. Buy 2 receivers and put them into 2 different house holds.. HAHAHA..

Actually, everyone is going to digital in Feb. 2009, not just cable. All broadcast channels, cable and satellite will all be digital and require a digital converter if you still have an analog TV or box.

The "slowness" of your channel changing is due to the box and software inside it, not because it is digital. Some boxes are better than others, and there are several different software companies providing the software for the boxes, including Microsoft.

No HD depends on the cable system and cable company only. For instance, Time Warner Cable here in Austin, offers free HD and HD box with their digital cable! :chew
I liked cable but it was just too expensive.I was paying almost $200 to Comcast cable for triple play package that had cable,phone,eternet and stars as movie bundle.Now I might only have to pay $125 for something similar though At&t.

It really depends on the cable company, but most offer "bundle deals" like you mentioned, with special pricing. I had digital cable and high speed internet already, and when I added digital phone, my bill actually went down!!! Well... at least for a year. I will agree, cable can be expensive now days, but so are the telephone and satellite companies. They will price according to the competition in the area.
I like the HD Cable service... but where I'm at we don't have enough channels. I think about 20. Seems with sattelite, no matter where you are you can get a lot more channels.
I with you guys on the HD cable service. My father had HD cable and no problems...but once he switched to the dish....nothing but problems. H e switched because he thought it would be cheaper but then found out that HD was extra and he needed another Sat for HD. I'm constantly going over there to fix things. I would never switch from my cable.
Cox is a horrible cable service, on our campus I've had it a lot where it'll jump and then the audio will be delayed for a little while, plus they splice in their crappy commercials a lot, along with local commercials which are ridiculous.
i switched from cable a few years ago because of the terrbile service from their customer service to their installation guys. awful.

HD t.v.'s aren't set up really for non-high def signals so the non-HD, S-video cabled signal is going to look better on your 4:3 tube t.v.(like you said). When you get your HD box you'll be able to tell a huge difference. although the non-HD channels will still look better on your 4:3 tube t.v. but it will look a lot better going through the HD box hooked up using the hdmi cables rather than they way you have it hooked up now so don't fret it will all look a lot better soon.
i switched from cable a few years ago because of the terrbile service from their customer service to their installation guys. awful.

HD t.v.'s aren't set up really for non-high def signals so the non-HD, S-video cabled signal is going to look better on your 4:3 tube t.v.(like you said). When you get your HD box you'll be able to tell a huge difference. although the non-HD channels will still look better on your 4:3 tube t.v. but it will look a lot better going through the HD box hooked up using the hdmi cables rather than they way you have it hooked up now so don't fret it will all look a lot better soon.

I new would be better with the HD box,I just didn't realize it would be this bad without it.I guess I was just so use to looking at an HD screen.I had switched my old xbox to the newer Elite version last year and noticed a big difference with that.