Universal MODster
Love the new avatar Lonnie!!
Give Josh credit for suggesting it.

Love the new avatar Lonnie!!
I'll jump on with you sometime this week and I'll bring Dee Nice with me. I agree that we need to get more freaks together tho play this again, the private matches are hilarious.When are you guys gonna start playing more COD4?? That's what got me in with you guys in the first place with the help of Josh, Bagels and Ill. You guys need to put down GOW and come help me trash some fresh meat.
This is Banny's creation, he deserves all the credit.Give Josh credit for suggesting it.![]()
I'll jump on with you sometime this week and I'll bring Dee Nice with me. I agree that we need to get more freaks together tho play this again, the private matches are hilarious.![]()
This is Banny's creation, he deserves all the credit.![]()
No doubt. That first match I jumped in with you guys was ridiculous. I was laughing my @ss off the entire match!
I was shown a new way to get on the roof with all the antenas on Crash facing the "B" flaf. The roof of the cafe. This can be done in any gametype, not just on Old School.
Get on the roof with the AC unit and all the sandbags facing towards the three story building back by the "C" flag.
Go to the upper left corner of the roof looking towards were the "B" flag would be. There is a lamp post directly in front of you. Jump to it. Stay in the back end of the post and look to your left.
There is some AC ducting going up the side of the building to the roof with all the anntenas on it. Move back enough so you can sprint jump to the ducting and hit the jump button as you hit it and you should pull yourself right up.
I can do it almost everytime now. Just make sure that when you are on the lamp post that you back up a bit until you almost fall off. You need the speed to help you jump higher. The best time to do it is when you are playing Domination and the other team will be busy trying to get the "A" and "B" flag to notice you.
When you are laying flat on the roof, no one can really see you because you are so high up. And you will have a commanding view of "B" to snipe the crap out of everyone. Using UAV Jammer is actually useful when using a Sniper Rifle here, as you are so close, you will usuaully get a kill with just one shot. Or if you use a Silenced AR and UAV Jammer, you will be a god up there. Just be careful to look out for the guys in the "Blue Room" windows looking out over the "B" flag. They have a bit better view than most.
Just my 2 cent for that new little slice oh hell. And yes, I am a camper when appropriate, so suck it. I'm here to win.
Send me an invite around 7PST tonight and I will show you a few of the tricks I know.
If other people are interested or have some of their own to share, please let me know and we can have an interesting little show and tell tonight.
XBL: Sick Boy 82
Send me an invite around 7PST tonight and I will show you a few of the tricks I know.
If other people are interested or have some of their own to share, please let me know and we can have an interesting little show and tell tonight.
XBL: Sick Boy 82
No, not a glitcher. I was just shown how to jump onto random things and then I show other people the same stuff if they want to see it. I consider glitching some how getting yourself into a wall so no one can see you. Or if you did all that stupid stuff on Counter-Strike. And damn, it's just a game guys, something to have fun with. Christ.
Yeah, it's a game, but I also like fair play. I have seen COD4 glitches where people can run around 40 feet in the air above you and keep pick you off with you ever seeing them, run around off the map and use countless other glitches. It's just a cheap way to "win". People do the same crap on Gears of War.
I am not saying you do all that stuff, but there are people that do and they think it's funny that they "win" by cheating.
One of the reasons I love playing with the Freaks is that other than being great guys, none of them do this glitching ++++.
No, not that kind of crap. That is some garbage @ss stuff. I totally agree with you on that.
I just like to get into sneaky sniper spots. And if you watch your kill cam, you can usually find me. But most people just want to get back into the fight and never do. LOL But the really good players all know were I'm at and will frag me with a 'nade the next time out.
i always kill the snipers after getting sniped. I would find you, kill you and then tea-bag you so you can watch it on your replay.
So I just started campaign on Veteran, jeez, this game is freaking hard. Don't know if that's true, or maybe I just suck.