Your so called "win" is totally meaningless since you hide and waited for me to run into bettys the whole time. How is that testing skill? My grandmother can do that. You suck and didn't have the balls to go up against me one on one, like you did in the deathmatches the night before. because when we did I killed you every damn time.
So I just got done playing NAESDO aka smallvilleclark who by the way is the cheapest player in the world. And apparently "pwning" me is inching by with 1 win more, but get this the dude hide in the corners the entire time and had 3 out of his 7 kills were betty kills. So he relied on me running into these while he camped in a corner like a little b*tch, the whole time. Then talked trashed even though last night in every death match my name was ahead of his. He knew it it was lucked that he inched by because he would not play me again. I said proposition, play me like a man, no bettys no camping...yet he decided to talk trash. Hey NAESDO, take away all your betty kills and I win by 2 still.
And he wouldn't play me again like I said early best out of 3 to show him it's not just luck and skill. I can't play against campers who lay bettys and just wait for me me to run into them.
Apparently he can't read when I said "Play me again best out of 3, I aid we would play a few rounds" And he's like no, no, I whooped you." Here you go Naesdo:
Hmm, well whenever I see you on I'll send you an invite, you can even pick the first map if you want. We can play a few rounds. I get off work around 6 and don't get home til 7. Hopefully you play later on because I'm on around 10 or 11 til like 1 a.m.
And here's the other quote about that kid beating me just by camping and hiding until time ran out:
Should be a good game NASEDO. I love challenges, cage match was my favorite game mode in COD4 besides team tact, that way it was just you and the enemy. No one else to blame the loss on, just as long no one camps and lets the clock run out. IMHO that's just like cheating. This kid beat me by like 1 kill in cod4 because he hid for the last 4 minutes under these stairs on a huge map, and I couldn't find him. I was so pissed...In fact I think I only had 1 kill and he had 2...the lil' ^^^^^^.
But yet when you were up by 2 betty kills, with a minute left I killed you. And where were you?...Hiding in a corner.
Why don't you use skill next time instead of cheap ass noobie ways of getting cheap kills you camper.
And for everyones enjoyment I'll post our stats:
Me: 409 wins, 294 loses. 1.39 win ratio, win streak: 16
NAESDO: 381 wins, 592 loses, .64 win ratio, 1 win streak
Me: 8064 kills, 4368 deaths, 1.85 kill death ratio, 33 kill streak.
NAESDO: 8434 kills, 8425 deaths, 1.00 kill death ratio, 20 kill streak.
Anyone who has more deaths than kills and more loses than wins sucks. And only a 20 kill streak? Come on. And all you could do was threaten to beat me up in real like and call me a Star wars ******? yet your on the the same boards and your username is Smallvilleclark? I'm waiting for your challenge when you can play straight up gun vs gun, no hiding and no bettys.