So I've been playing a ton of blops this weekend, prestiged again, and was playing TDM on Launch. I started out the match and went on top of one of the perches and killed a few guys, jumped down, and they just kept coming on that area. Before I knew it, I had 10 kills in that one area. The rest of the game I was running and gunning, ended up going 28/11, which isn't anything to brag about, but oh well...also, we did lose...I had horrible teammates.
So after the match I get a message from one of the guys on the other team calling me a "camping f a g g o t". I usually brush these guys off, but I stayed in one spot for maybe 45 seconds, and technically I was patrolling one area. Instead of getting into a pm war with this guy, I put him on my block list and reported the message to Sony. I know it won't do anything, but crap like this pisses me off. I play this game because it's fun and relaxing...the last thing I need is to be harassed by some idiot that got made because he couldn't kill me.
Just wanted to vent...