Call of duty ghost

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I was a Megafan of COD. I stopped playing about 4 months ago. First time in years. Same with a lot of people I play with. Doubt I'll get the new one. The games been getting worse. And its become a game for little kids. Going to try Battlefield for the firs time.
Lol..I'm also going to pass on this CoD iteration. IMO they should just release DLC expansion missions/ map packs, but then again they wouldn't make as much money selling that opposed to an entirely new game.
Lol..I'm also going to pass on this CoD iteration. IMO they should just release DLC expansion missions/ map packs, but then again they wouldn't make as much money selling that opposed to an entirely new game.

Technically, that's what they're doing every year. That's the problem with the franchise. It's the fps equivalent of Madden. A new coat of paint faintly disguised as a new game. CoD players don't care what it is as long as it's more of the same. Just like Madden. That's the secret. CoD players don't really want it to change. Give them new maps, slightly alter the killstreaks and perks, reskin the guns and bam..record sales numbers year after year. It's embarrassing.
Technically, that's what they're doing every year. That's the problem with the franchise. It's the fps equivalent of Madden. A new coat of paint faintly disguised as a new game. CoD players don't care what it is as long as it's more of the same. Just like Madden. That's the secret. CoD players don't really want it to change. Give them new maps, slightly alter the killstreaks and perks, reskin the guns and bam..record sales numbers year after year. It's embarrassing.

Totally agree, and why I'm stepping out of this round. Maybe when I jump into a PS4 down the road, but right now I'm just bored with it.
Well cod players are usually twelve yr olds and noobs who don't know any better.
Well cod players are usually twelve yr olds and noobs who don't know any better.

While there are a lot of kids playing it, I don't think the noob thing is accurate. If anything, it's the opposite. They're all veterans at this point. They've bought the last 6 CoDs and they'll buy the next 6. That's not to say they're good players, but they've logged countless hours into these games and will log countless more. I think that's why the game never changes. Why fix something that's not broke. This series sells so many copies of reskinned games, they'd be crazy to make any real changes to the formula. This has to be the oldest engine in gaming right now because they're afraid that they'll lose the lightning in the bottle that they've had all these years. I don't blame a corporation for trying to make money, but I can't help but blame myself and fellow gamers for supporting it year after year.
This is why I stopped buying Madden games 10 years ago. That, and I preferred the 2K series more.

2K was way better. Unfortunately, it was so good EA panicked and instead of trying to compete with it, decided to monopolize the NFL. Douches. I wonder how many times they've tried to buy out the NBA and MLB.

I bet GTAV has more original code on the title screen than Ghost has in the whole game.
I blame myself aswell. I bought into that garbage but now I'm done. It's to generic and to dated. It's the twilight of gaming. Titanfall will make those cod boys soil themselves.
COD single player campaign is usually short and pretty lame.
I guess the game is more for the yearly online arcade killing romp.
Veterans of it and noob 12 year olds combined.

Never worried about the online, but will probably whip through campaign in a day or two just for the hell of it.
I blame myself aswell. I bought into that garbage but now I'm done. It's to generic and to dated. It's the twilight of gaming.

looks like I am the only one here that likes Call of Duty.

the new campaign trailer looks so epic.

I love COD. It's got it's haters obviously, every year you hear how it's going to fail but then goes on to out sell every game. I've got Ghosts on PO, can't wait especially now it's going to have dedicated servers on the XB1.

I'll also be getting BF4 another game I love & Titanfall, there already PO'd, I basically love FPS but with anything successful you seem to attract a crowd who just want to see it fail. I'm starting to see BF getting bashed now which couldn't do no wrong awhile back
I love COD. It's got it's haters obviously, every year you hear how it's going to fail but then goes on to out sell every game. I've got Ghosts on PO, can't wait especially now it's going to have dedicated servers on the XB1.

I'll also be getting BF4 another game I love & Titanfall, there already PO'd, I basically love FPS but with anything successful you seem to attract a crowd who just want to see it fail. I'm starting to see BF getting bashed now which couldn't do no wrong awhile back

I don't personally want CoD to fail. I just want it to evolve. I want them to stop releasing reskins every year so they can rebuild it from the ground up and make it feel like a modern shooter again.
i never played a Call of Duty game ... ever .. might pick this one though

You must buy atleast one COD game, just to experience it for yourself. You may not like the online multiplayer at 1st because its so quick, I remember watching my brothers 1st time COD experience playing MW2 & he was getting destroyed but when he eventually got used to it he loved it.

Saying that my 1st COD experience was MW1 & I remember getting annihilated 1st playing that but I eventually got pretty good at it & man I loved that game.
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