Do explain. Everything you listed there was in MW2.
The graphics for MP are exactly the same. Running on the same engine, rendering at the same speed. There's no new animations at all. The style of play is still COD's run-n-gun lone wolf style, the weapon leveling is just unlocks for your attachments (instead of getting them by kills now you get them by XP by getting kills.) The leveling system is exactly the same. Sept' it goes to 80 now.
The only new content they threw in was a 5 hour campaign and a half-assed horde mode. Other then that nothing new or original. Don't get me wrong I love CoD but this one has to be one of my least favorites.
BF3 is all new, new engine, new (faster-paced) gameplay, new guns, new class unlocks, new map types and variants (big one's small one's), new vehicles, new sound effects, new destruction capabilities, a free stat-tracker.
If you go back to playing the BC games after playing BF3 it's completely different styles of play. BC2 is a lot heavier, slower gameplay compared to BF3 being faster and tighter controls (almost like COD's)