Can We Get the Next 1:6 Sideshow Star Wars PPO Please!?

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I'd be happy with an announcement from both :monkey3

I couldn't see one during spooktakular, since not really geared towards SW, but after that we'll probably get some movement. And like others have said, the SW line has been quite fast-paced compared to most SS offerings.
With 10 1:6 announcements and only 3 active 1:6 lines... I find it likely that there were will be Dead, SW, and LOTR.

Oh and a new 1:6 lines which involves a certain archaelogist. :rock
What SW offering could we get that would be in line with Spooktacular? I would have thought the Emperor/Palpy two pack would have been a nice evil fit for preview during Spooktacular.
What bad guy could possibly fit in with spooktacular?

Tall, dark, cloacked, and with a resperator possibly?

Meh, again, I can dream, right?

Yeah and they'll do the ROTS version of Tarkin that recieved exactly 3.25 seconds screen at the very end, because Hasbro already did the Peter Cushing one.:rolleyes:

Ugh... don't even say that. I think Tarkin would be great because he would be cheap (since he has no accessories) but I don't know what they could give him as an exclusive???
Yeah and they'll do the ROTS version of Tarkin that recieved exactly 3.25 seconds screen at the very end, because Hasbro already did the Peter Cushing one.:rolleyes:

That could be a very cool although 'must have' exclusive accessory to a regular OT Tarkin, the exclusive version would come with a second slightly younger sculpt, kind of like Asajj. I think both costumes are the same, so it could work.
Ugh... don't even say that. I think Tarkin would be great because he would be cheap (since he has no accessories) but I don't know what they could give him as an exclusive???

How about a Mouse Droid and an Imperial Blaster for the accessories.
There are 8 question marks for new 12" figures release appearing at Spooktacular 2007. Any chance of a SW creature turning up there?
Why is there always a thread like this popping up every couple of months by a newbie? :monkey3 :monkey3 :monkey3

Forgive me for not having 2,000 posts on this forum... I simply find it odd that SSC has not offered any new Star Wars 1:6 scale PPOs in almost two months...

I'm sorry my very legitimate question offended you!
There are 8 question marks for new 12" figures release appearing at Spooktacular 2007. Any chance of a SW creature turning up there?

I'd say its a lock that at least one of those question marks will be filled up by Star Wars if not more....