Put me down for DNF and the next-gen Indy. Also Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury, which would have been the last game with the entire TOS cast...which of course, is now impossible. Plus it would have been a point and click with great graphics, which are still all the rage.
And I don't want to beat a dead horse, but a true, next-gen Legend of Zelda. There really hasn't been an epic, great Zelda game since Majora's Mask (IMHO), and the direction Nintendo's taken away from the hardcore gamer and toward the kiddies and grandma has really made me sad...and this coming from the guy who FOR YEARS talked about how great the N64 was, and the GC, while the PS2 and Xbox were kicking their butts. I really hope Nintendo moves away from their current course or becomes a third party...or, which will never happen, they license out Zelda to another company. Can anyone imagine Bioware doing a Zelda game? or Bethesda? It would be a dream come true.