Super Freak
Just picked this guy up (non-exclusive) off ebay for $870 shipped!!! Cannot wait!!!
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Just picked this guy up (non-exclusive) of ebay for $870!!! Cannot wait!!!
Just picked this guy up (non-exclusive) off ebay for $870 shipped!!! Cannot wait!!!
Wow, regular is now going for over $800? I got mine last year for $680 shipped. damn, these things just keep appreciating in value!
Oh man.... Hope that the new one that will come in the future would look the half awesome than this...
A new one would probably have more detail to it, and maybe be in an action pose. I like this one, BUT out of the classic Marvel comic statues I think the Thor PF and Spidey Com have it over this one simply for the dynamic posses.
I will totally admit I am expecting most of the Marvel big guns to come out again seeing as the Dc line is coming out in a HUGE way with incredibly detailed MASSIVELY TALL statues that will make a lot of these older bad boys look small. Well, maybe not But hell Batman (with his base of cours) is the same hight as the new Hulk Maq. So yeah I am expecting some new big base Marvel Bad Boys in the next few years.
You and me are in the same boat I guessI'm new into this hobby and I've missed ALL the big ones (Marvel line).
I'm starting with the Hulk Maquette which I like a lot. I've no doubt that another Thor, Captain, Iron Man, Wolverine and Spidey will be made of course. I share your opinion about the awesome details in the upcoming products, but I liked a lot this costume and design of Captain America, which I dunno if will be repeated in the next PF.