How did smart Hulk turn out for you in She-Hulk?
How did smart Hulk turn out for you in She-Hulk?
Captain Marvel!
... Captain Marvel.
... Captain Marvel's one on one moment against Thanos in EG.
... Captain Marvel.
Clint: Plot ArmoredI still don’t know how Clint, Ant-Man and Rocket survived the compound explosion and collapse in EG.
IM: Armored
WM: Armored
Thor: God
Cap: Super Soldier
Hulk: Hulk!
Ant-Man helmet was not on when the explosion happened so I group him with Clint and Rocket.
Yep, the Hulk was the one true casualty of IW/EG, taken out in the first few minutes of IW, never to return. Too bad since like you said all they had to do was give him Captain Marvel's one on one moment against Thanos in EG.
Yep, there was absolutely no need for her to have both moments and Hulk get none.There was room for both CM and Hulk. Hulk could have had his rematch with Thanos in place of CM, but CM taking out Sanctuary II was too great a moment not to be included.
Ahhhh Damn it JYE i spit out my drink. Glad its not on an 98" tv screen.