Broke and happy
Damn, I wanted
Cap dead and WS picking up the shield
There's no way WS is dead. His mechanical arm is expendable. Maybe he has spares in a hidden lab??Plus the actor is contracted for a total of 9 movies (7 to go)!! Marvel has said they have stories mapped out for many many more years through phase 4 and perhaps beyond. Most likely Bucky will replace Cap, just like in the comics, after Infinity War and phase 3 ends, with a new Avengers team continuing into phase 4. Most of the actor's contracts are up as of Infinity War. Also no way Rhodey is dead. They wouldn't show that in the trailer, and Don Cheadle also has several more movies under his contract as well. That was most likely for shock and awe, which seems to have worked. Also another picture was posted that showed what looked like Hawkeye lying at Scarlet Witch's feet when she is attacking Vision. We can't assume everyone lying on the ground is dead..
This is a big slugfest. They'll be many knockdowns and knockouts, but rumored is that there is at least one death.... We shall see soon, but not soon enough....
Yup, it moved (spinned) exactly like a lense.
Stark's hand tech also looked cool even if a bit too flashy and cgi-ish fake.
I liked how he looked up startled at WS because the bullet would've killed him had he not moved WS's hand to the side.
And no one, I mean no one can make sunglasses look cooler than Stark.![]()
So Bucky and Agent 13 do have a love scene.[emoji6]This makes me very happy
This makes me very happy