Hot damn, I might just see if I can download the whole movie tonight
Seen it at 6.30pm here last night in Australia.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Black Panther and Bucky were my standout characters.
Awesome star wars reference in the movie too!!
I won't say anymore other than it was non stop action start to finish . didn't even feel like 2 and a half hrs...
2 end credit scenes too!!
Review has me worried this is sort of form-over-substance typical movie and has me wondering if the Russos can't do full scale epics(IW):
Difficult to tell if he has valid points when most of us haven't seen the movie yet, but he does seem to be in the minority of other reviewers.
Except for the first Avengers the Marvel movies haven't been EPIC yet, even Ultron and the Thor movies seem "small" compared to what's taken place in the Marvel comic universe. But not every movie needs to be EPIC. The first IronMan, the Cap movies and AntMan have been excellent and we have many years and stories left to tell in the Marvel cinematic universe. Feige has been doing a good job of patiently and methodically laying the ground work for EPIC.
...and The Russos seem to be the best positioned and skilled directors to give it to us.
Snyder and WB tried to do EPIC right off the bat and they stumbled. I think you have to work up to EPIC to get the EPIC pay off.
(JJ Abrams hasn't learned that lesson either)
YeahI'm in the minority who put BvS above CW - mainly because I'm biased towards Bats and Supes as characters, and really like what Snyder did with Battfleck. Plus it overall just felt "grander" than CW (if more disjointed).
(Hrm, maybe I should move this to the "unpopular opinions" thread...)