Captain America PF Delayed

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SolidLiquidFox said:
Good move. Marvel pieces are harder get on ebay at reasonable prices. Fett PF, with it's 2,000/2,000 ES, will be available in large quantities on ebay. Worse exclusive yet IMO. :emperor
What he said. If you think you want Marvel and SW but can only choose one at any given time, always get the Marvel PF first. You'll likely still be able to pick up a SW PF for retail (or less) months or even years later. Not so with Marvel.
My Boba Fett FLEXPAY ends right when my Cap FLEXPAY begins, so it'll be nice not to have to pay for both in the same month.
Eli26 said:
carbo, I really am getting sick and tired of seeing Peter licking his man ****. Cartoon or not that crap disturbs me.

In case you're not aware...

Click "User CP"
Click "Edit Options"
uncheck "Show Signatures"
Click "Save Changes"

...and you don't have to look at it anymore. :monkey3
Eli26 said:
carbo, I really am getting sick and tired of seeing Peter licking his man ****. Cartoon or not that crap disturbs me.

Eli, I honestly can't help the fact that you're jealous of Peter! Maybe you should've asked your parents to feed more bacon!:)
I just slipped myself on the waitlist for the ex. If I get in, great, if not, my own fault, I'll pay less for a regular. I can handle the price now that we got some more time though.
I'm hoping for a waitlist conversion, but you're right. A regular would be fine too. I cancelled my Boba Fett PF and RAH. Lost interest. Don't know how I'll live without my mandolarian wall ornament though.:rotfl :rotfl
I am sure they delayed it to switch everything over to plastic instead of polystone so the wings or shield aren't broken in transit. :D
YAY! My life's balance is at peace again. Finally! I can go on living without that image wrecking my stability as a sane member of society.
Eli26 said:
YAY! My life's balance is at peace again. Finally! I can go on living without that image wrecking my stability as a sane member of society.

:mwaha :rotfl

I sure hope the next one isn't of Peter breast feeding Stewie. :yuck