Super Freak
That's an awesome looking custom - nice work! 
Welcome to the board!!

Welcome to the board!!

I have one fully stock Avengers Cap that I bought recently and an older bashed one that has most but not all of the parts. Now that I have a full, complete one I'm really thinking of doing something like this with the other one.
Sounds good. Would love to see that. I keep wondering if they will ever make a version of it on film. In the comics Black Panter gives Cap the new sheild, when he switches to this suit. Would be nice to see if they worked it in to Civil War somehow. Seeing as the stealth suit/super soldier didn't appear till after Cival war. The movies are doing there own thing anyway as far as continuity goes. I would love to try and make a Age of X Cap using the new one of the new headsculpts someday.
I stripped two Strike helmets last night so i can do repaints of the helmet colour, and it's fairly easy. So it's doable with the Strike lid to get it off for a repaint.
Great custom. That shield rocks!
That looks super awesome.