I really wish I hadn’t just checked in on this conversation.
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There is an issue called hammer toe which she might have. But what has my alarm bells ringing is not the direction of her toes but the condition of her nails. They remind me of a mechanics finger nails i.e a working class mans hand that works with grease.
Thats why I call BS on those.
Thats a fake. Those nails are diseased and no woman goes out without nail polish on her toenails.
Its BS.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Thats why I call BS on those.
Thats a fake. Those nails are diseased and no woman goes out without nail polish on her toenails.
Its BS.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Indeed. And no woman ever poops either. They also don’t fart, they fluff. And they also don’t sweat, they sparkle.
Yes this is exactly true.....we are talking about a public photo shoot....not 4am in the bathroom in a hotel.
Seriously guys, how naive can you be? You honestly believe a model/actress would go out to a place( in strapless shoes not less) with clearly fungal diseased toes?
Well, I have a bridge for sale, cheap if you pay cash.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Yes this is exactly true.....we are talking about a public photo shoot....not 4am in the bathroom in a hotel.
Seriously guys, how naive can you be? You honestly believe a model/actress would go out to a place( in strapless shoes not less) with clearly fungal diseased toes?
Well, I have a bridge for sale, cheap if you pay cash.
Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....
Because women are people and people aren’t perfect. Including good looking females.
While I agree with you that good looking women generally keep themselves, including their feet, in great condition, good looking doesn’t invariably mean that they ALWAYS paint their nails, that they ALWAYS have pretty feet, that they never get body odor, etc, just based on the fact that they’re good looking. As if they’re not human like the rest of us. That, I personally find to be much more naive.