It's crazy, I know, but some people would like to have high-quality female figures without nipples flying all over the place. Just because something is made for adults, doesn't mean ya gotta sex it up-- this is Captain Marvel, not Dawn. Or we could be fair and bring back the Bat-Nipples for all future Batman figures, see how that goes. And believe me, I don't want that any more than anyone else does.
Go buy some epoxy clay, some blue paint, sculpt the nipples on yourself (that is, on the statue, by yourself, not on your self, unless you're into that, I won't judge)-- you can have as many you like, wherever you like. Back nipple, knee nipples, a cornucopia of nipples!
But anyway. Good thing I haven't read much Captain Marvel*, or else I would be forced to buy this (not like having no idea where a character is from has ever stopped me-- just ask me what half my Japanese figures are from). And let's just say. I do not have the money to buy this. Now if this were Kamala Khan, that would be an instant pre-order.
*And if this isn't too off topic-- should I? I have no idea how to feel about Deconnick, because one hand, Pretty Deadly is pretty (ha-HA) cool (as was Carol Corps), but on the other hand, well. B*tch Planet, the comic that includes a Feminism 101 essay with each issue.