Pretty sweet line-up of TFA PF's.
So, no exclusive? The price seems decent considering recent PF prices (Jango, Maul, Luke, Han). My decision will be based on the characters presence in TLJ...
Price will be $530.
Some pics and more info:
I like the price. Will order, but locally if there is no exclusive.
I'm surprised people want this. Good pose but the paint is too silver/not nearly chrome-y enough.
Reading the book has really made me a fan of her and I will be picking this up. The crazy thing is, she's not really what you would call a "likeable" character but someone totally believable.
Reading the novel def makes me want the piece more, but I just can't pull the trigger on this one without seeing the final product. Them promising more Chrome doesn't really inspire me to put money down. I need to see this new chromed out version before I put money on the table.
But you're right...she's def not a "likable" character. She's a monster. I like actively grew to HATE her as the book went on. Which if a character can illicit that type of an emotional response, then the writer/creator is doing something right. Hard for me to look at her the same way anymore honestly. Like I get there are evil characters/bad guys, but they follow their own ruleset and don't necessarily believe themselves to be evil. Even in the novel we see the model solider of the First Order. He truly believes that they are helping, and has his own experiences to show this belief. But Phasma...she's pure Neutral Evil. Using everyone and everything as a means for herself. Selfish and uncaring. A great, truly despicable character.
I'd definitely buy a Hot Toys Cardinal or PF. I will say that.