Leia and Hermione both look very good, I have neither though. If I never see another Black Widow figure again it'll be too soon.
All I have is the NECA Sarah Connor and Ripley figures and, just as of today, Vasquez from Aliens.
T2 Sarah Connor has 3 fantastic headsculpts that all nail the likeness of Linda Hamilton better than Hot Toys did. My only criticism of this figure is her legs are a bit spindly looking.
Ripley has now had 4 figures produced by NECA with more on the way. They're good but the likeness isn't quite as strong as with Sarah Connor. The Alien 3 version probably being the weakest and with the oddest proportions, tiny head syndrome going on. I favour the Aliens version for iconic value.
Vasquez is a triumph. Such a stand-out character in Aliens, visually and otherwise, the figure looks fantastic in the collection.