Who the hell is he?
Please don't bring me into your jokes.
Am amazed how many here feel that they are arbiters of taste, value, English grammar and other miscellaneous subjects that assault and perplex us daily. This board is truly blessed by their desire to keep us informed. We are unworthy.
Judging by your love of a signed Sideshow catalog, I don't think I need to try and convince you of taste. I'm sure society has done a thorough job of informing you of your taste by excluding things like sex from you without my help. Darwin's theory of natural selection at work...
Take a chill pill Josh before you turn into the Incredible Sulk.
I'm not going to let some arsehole say stuff about a friend of mine. If you don't like it well tuff
Whats the harm in getting a few autographs from a company that you appreciate for their kindness and 1:1 personal business SS offers.
And the puerile insults continue, despite Dave's request...