More like The Boo 52Well I'm just a fan of the new 52 one, I just don't see a way for doing mix media on that. But I'm not huge on Koto so I'd love something from SSC.
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
More like The Boo 52Well I'm just a fan of the new 52 one, I just don't see a way for doing mix media on that. But I'm not huge on Koto so I'd love something from SSC.
If I wanted that, I'd buy Kotobukiya.
More like The Boo 52
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
More like The Boo 52
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
You mean The Eww 52
Or Poo 52You mean The Eww 52
Lol and You wish, more like Loo (toilet) 52Damn okay guys. I'll just log off...
I'd say it's more of **** 52![]()
Dude she was always hot. Hottest chick in the DCU! Best Body eitherwayNo one can deny it. She is sexxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Yeah Like super exploited. But she was hot way before the Spew 52. They just made her sluttierOnly exploited in the Nu52
Yeah Like super exploited. But she was hot way before the Spew 52. They just made her sluttier
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Lol the funny thing is Starfire always dressed in skimpy outfits butntye new one shows even more T&A which i don't mind either. Lol can't wait for a PFI'm okay with slutty
Probably why I dig Mera a lot more
Wish Zatanna was sexier in the New 52. I'll stick with fishnets and that bootay
Lol the funny thing is Starfire always dressed in skimpy outfits butntye new one shows even more T&A which i don't mind either. Lol can't wait for a PF
Yeah man Zatanna is hot as hell. Remember Serinda Swan on Smallville?
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
She's in like 3 or 4 eps. Just Google her for hot pics. That's a nice list my friend would probably pick up 2 of those at least. Zatanna is a lame character IMO. Not worth it, I try to stick to characters I like rather than just the seX factor. Starfire Ive liked for a long time and Supergirl is a givenZatanna/Mera/Supergirl/Starfire PFs = Debt ++
Never seen Smallville, but if a pretty lady like that is in it; consider that my To-Watch show tomorrow![]()
She's in like 3 or 4 eps. Just Google her for hot pics. That's a nice list my friend would probably pick up 2 of those at least. Zatanna is a lame character IMO. Not worth it, I try to stick to characters I like rather than just the seX factor. Starfire Ive liked for a long time and Supergirl is a given
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Well as you may know or may not know, I stick with the female only statues. I however may break that rule for Spidey/Bats/Supes.
Zatanna had a sexy factor for me always, Mera is just a sexy red head, Starfire is the literal reason why the song "Sex on Fire" exist, and Supergirl is a given with Batgirl
Oh and I sure will check out those pics![]()
Lol I know. And yeah Zatanna IS sexy, so you never know. Depending in how she comes out (which will probably be amazing) i will PO the **** out of her. Lol for real with the Starfire stuff, so Hot
Yes sir there aren't many with her half naked but the ones that are there aren't half bad
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
As a (quarter) Mexican, I admit I love my caliente chicas.
Zatanna is fine, can't wait to see her in "Constantine"
Been checking out some of those hot alien chicks from GoTG. I think I might be a xenophiliac.
Yessiree Latinas are beaaaautiful!
Didn't know shed be in Constantine too bad it ain't Serinda.
Lol as long as they still retain some humanoid qualities you should be good. Now if we get into the tentacle **** we we're talking about yesterday that's a different story lol
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Lol all the way from Catwoman to this. Lol I guess you get that hot to not-hot ratio in every type of woman.Some of them are. If you ever see yourself here in Chicago, they are as ugly as the Rogue googly eyes...
Just found out she would have a cameo or something. So it's tough to say how she looks. Please let's get fishnets and corset
I'm sure 80% would be. Can't vouch for the other 20. Will say I'll pass on tentacles unless it's one of those Total Recall three breast thing. Then it becomes a wild card.
I told you, it happens when I talkLol all the way from Catwoman to this. Lol I guess you get that hot to not-hot ratio in every type of woman.
Damn rogue googly eyes eh Lol that's a kicker
Catwoman is Brazilian too I think with that majorly beastly Badonkadonk
Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon