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Got mine last night, very happy with her. Haven't gone over it fully yet that will be tomorrow night hopefully to make sure there isn't any real issues but at first glance she looked great. Will take some studio photo's and have them posted by the weekend at a minimum.
Card charged.

CC charged as well...

It's happening!!!! :panic:

Please let me get a perfect one! :pray:

Same here! :blissy It’s a beautiful day!!!!!

Same here. Another Mark masterpiece coming soon! Really hope QC will be good.

We're the chosen ones. Chosen to get it last. But this wait has gotten me really excited for CW! More so than PFs I receive at the same time as everybody else.
Still waiting on my shipping notice but I'm expecting it later tonight if not in the early hours of tomorrow.

yeah its usually very late i get my shipping notice but confirmed got my shipping notice. Should be here Thursday! Hope i get a quick shipping notice sinestro tomorrow.. so far 2 for 2.
What are the issues on this piece? How does the head portrait should look like? Need comparison aside from the prototype pic