Let all not panic just yet!BTW her ass looks great!
Without a doubt, she looks cute googles down, teeth showing too.
That's what's great about having these options, right?I like the way it looks with the goggles over her eyes.
That's what's great about having these options, right?The more I look at her, the more I love her. Catwoman is one of my all time favorites, and having another piece of worthy merchandise is great! My statue has no nicks, no breaks, and a pretty good paint job, so I'm pleased to say I'm a happy girl.
So, we've seen at least 4-5 people's pics now? They all look googly eyed to me. Yes, it's not the worst I've seen by far but is everyone just going to "live" with it? Again, everyone says it looks better to them in person so I will also wait to see it in front of me but I'm done "living" with sub standard statues. The face should have been painted flawlessly...what else is there to paint on this seriously!? I have no issue sending CW back but I pray WW doesn't have this subpar paint job cuz I REALLY want her in my collection.