Can't wait for CVI...
189 more days!
The big news today is that I finally, after much consternation and doubt, scheduled my vacation time around CVI dates. It helps that my mother's birthday is August 23rd, the first day of CVI, so I have more than one very good excuse to get to the Orlando area. I've just been worried about finances, or lack of funding due to maybe taking a leave of absence from work this summer. Clinic is going to be 50 hours per week, and I just didn't see how I could pull that off (safely) with regular work at the same time. So I have 142 hours of vacation for the first two months of Clinic, then some leave of absence, and then maybe one or two hard weeks of doing both. And then to cap all of that off, CVI!!! Woot! Now, I really can't wait.
But I'm just putting all that out there as fair warning. I'm going to be one very tired furystorm come CVI. I'm also going to be quite broke. Ah well, it's all worth it to be honest.
Now, my only concern is finding an affordable airline ticket out and back.