Awesome stuff Chaka. I didn't know you had 3 3/4 stuff as well. Congrats on Chaka Jr. too. You bring him up proper now...4,5,6,1,2,3 (maybe just 4,5,6 )
Jason (Lopie) was kind enough to send me a Luke Skywalker head cast. I thought it would be a nice upgrade to the SSC Bespin Luke. I started to paint him up. I decided to go with the battle damaged look.
I am not quite finished, but here are a couple of pictures..
any feedback would be appreciated, I am still learning when it comes to painting heads.
Thanks guys. I need to work on the left eye a bit, but I am happy with it so far. Jason, thanks again!!
I also am redoing my Skiffmaster. I never was really happy with the length of the tunic, so I made it a bit longer. I am also planning on using Unsung's amazing sculpt....
Nothing is painted, just piecing everything together.
Its a tunic Bill (Vivisect) did for me a while back. I did some alterations to it, but its great. I think he was talking about doing some more of these when he gets caught up on a few other projects first.
I had some time today and decided to work on the skiffmaster. I repainted the tunic a light tan color then weathered. I wanted it to have more brown than black.
I also did a base coat and some work on the head. He is still not finished, but getting there. Here is what I have so far....
Sorry for the blurry pic, I was in a hurry. Ill take some better ones when he is finished.
Wow Chaka, it's amazing how perfect each of them look.
The weathering on that vest is excellent by the way! Looks like it's made of some sort of giant lizard-ish skin, like the Star Wars equivalent of a crocodile or something. Very nice work.
Can't wait to see the skiffmaster all the way finished!