Chewbacca Premium Format

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Everything I see for chewie is about him running around with 3po parts or pointing his dorky crossbow. This piece doesn't capture Chewies essence. Someone get a chewie ripping the head off a trooper and ill put my money down.

Considering that they never showed Chewbacca doing anything remotely like that, I can't see how that kind of piece would capture the essence of the character more than ones that actually show what he did in the films. I agree that the pose isn't ideal, though. He could be more of a badass by going with a more confident pose -- you don't have to go over the top like a Hasbro "unleashed" figure.

As for the people upset that it's not real hair, I still think that's a foolish request. I'm not sure I've ever even seen a custom piece that has realistic hair, much less something coming out of Chinese factories. Chewie's hair is tricky because it's long and multicolored. I just don't see how you can pull it off at this scale.
I don't think you can pull it off. It would look terrible and the people requesting a furry version would soon regret it. That I'm quite certain of.

I find the pose to be perfect. It's VERY authentic. I agree that if you want to capture the essence of a character, you have to go with something that is seen. Yes, Han Solo might brag about how he pulls off the arms of droids etc. But we don't see that. It's just a threat and casual talk. That isn't the Chewie that we all know and care about.
This has definitely shaped up to be a great looking piece. I'm not so concerned about the bent knees look, Chewie did have that look quite a bit. Standing straight would have looked really cool though. Really liking the sculpted fur in the chest that goes over the bandolier strap. Nice touch. Guessing the Stormtrooper long blaster is the EX piece to swap with the Bowcaster. Sort of wish they'd include an extra head looking the direction the Gun is pointed. Would allow for more displaying options (and they have included 2 heads with many PF's in the past. Mola Ram, EX ROTLA Indy and LOTR Orcs come to mind). Right now I'm finding you can really only pose him one way that makes sense and that would be to see his face, but then the gun is always pointed in the other direction. An extra head might allow for an additional 'mouth-closed' portrait too. Just a thought.

Overall it does look really good...and HUGE. Now we REALLY need a new Han sculpted by Trevor to go with him. Bespin attire please! :pray:
With most Star Wars PFs in the $350 range, are we expecting Chewie here to cap at $375+?

As for a "rage" pose, maybe that's better suited for the Mythos line...
With most Star Wars PFs in the $350 range, are we expecting Chewie here to cap at $375+?

As for a "rage" pose, maybe that's better suited for the Mythos line...

I think more. SSC ain't afraid of pushing the prices when size is bigger. Look at Sauron PF. I'm thinking at least 400 USD. I'm expecting more.
This Star Wars piece is a definite pick up for me like wow Chewie looks amazing and one of my favorite Star Wars Characters. :yess::yess::yess: Pre-ordered right when it's listed up.
I'd love to meet the people that come up with these designs. Mind blowing how arse they actually can get.

I often wonder if it's something to do with the cost because anyone even remotely interested in Star Wars , could instantly imagine 5 poses better than this one.

Pretty disappointed with this actually. Never thought Chewie would be an easy pass.
He looks like he's cowering. Bad chice of pose IMO. Chewie has never been portrayed as the badass he could be. He's like a 7 foot gorilla that can pull people's arms off. Everything I see for chewie is about him running around with 3po parts or pointing his dorky crossbow. This piece doesn't capture Chewies essence. Someone get a chewie ripping the head off a trooper and ill put my money down.

I think portraying Chewie as just a bad *** would make him a one dimensional character and thus less interesting IMHO. I love this pose and the multi-facets to his personality.
I never saw Chewie as ripping a head off a trooper... maybe a little in Episode IV, but never really after that. You could always tell he was just a loyal companion. I love this piece and I don't have much room for PF's but I will make room for Chewie!
The pose is growing on me. Gotta have Chewie and the droids. Makes me want to have the Han PF custom painted to bring out the sculpt. Still haven't seen anyone that has done that.
Still don't like the pose.....

I prefer this one:


I have always hated the "cute" Jedi version of Chewie with the pretty hair above his eyes which this gentle giant bust is based on. Always liked the slick back look of Star Wars and Empire.

Original Chewie from SW and ESB



The ROTJ version. Oh Chewie who does your hair now? It's so Beautiful!!:rolleyes2

Wow this looks like one bad-*** piece! The pose reminds me of the scene just after they got out of the Trash compactor.

That's the exact scene I thought of the moment I saw this. They went with a pose where he was complaining a little b1+ch.

I'm a little disappointed, but I'll get over it and PO. :)
Looks great! Normally I don't pay any mind to Star Wars PF's but I might have to get this one...